
Sentences present tense

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Game 1  Present tense - Correct / Incorrect
Game 1 Present tense - Correct / Incorrect Kuiz
Present continuous
Present continuous Lengkapkan ayat
present simple - Wh questions
present simple - Wh questions Kuiz
Present simple - closed questions
Present simple - closed questions Kuiz
Present Simple Negative
Present Simple Negative Susunan kumpulan
Present simple (affirmative statements)
Present simple (affirmative statements) Kuiz
Present simple - auxiliary  do/does (negatives, questions)
Present simple - auxiliary do/does (negatives, questions) Lengkapkan ayat
Present continuous tense (I, you,he she)_10 common verbs
Present continuous tense (I, you,he she)_10 common verbs Kuiz
Present Simple - Correct / Incorrect
Present Simple - Correct / Incorrect Kuiz
Present continuous tense
Present continuous tense Kuiz
Conjugation - Present Simple
Conjugation - Present Simple Kuiz
Tenses - Missing Word
Tenses - Missing Word Lengkapkan ayat
Past simple or Present Perfect?
Past simple or Present Perfect? Kuiz
Present Simple : + / - / ?
Present Simple : + / - / ? Kuiz
Past and Present Simple Tense sorting sentences
Past and Present Simple Tense sorting sentences Susunan kumpulan
past tense / French.
past tense / French. Kuiz rancangan mainan
Present tense in Spanish
Present tense in Spanish Cari padanan
Spanish - present tense endings
Spanish - present tense endings Susunan kumpulan
Er verbs present tense
Er verbs present tense Ketuk Tikus Mondok
Spanish Present Tense AR verbs
Spanish Present Tense AR verbs Roda rawak
Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense Kad rawak
Present Tense -IR Verbs
Present Tense -IR Verbs Padankan
Present tense -er verbs
Present tense -er verbs Susunan kumpulan
regular verbs present tense
regular verbs present tense Padankan
Scary sentences
Scary sentences Susun kemas
irregular past tense 2
irregular past tense 2 Pagar sesat
Present Tense regular ER verbs
Present Tense regular ER verbs Padankan
Present Simple Tense (subject + verb)
Present Simple Tense (subject + verb) Kuiz
Shopping sentences - Present continuous
Shopping sentences - Present continuous Susun kemas
Present Simple Wheel
Present Simple Wheel Roda rawak
Past continuous / past simple - jumbled sentences
Past continuous / past simple - jumbled sentences Susun kemas
Past simple jumbled sentences
Past simple jumbled sentences Susun kemas
Present Perfect sentences - fill gap
Present Perfect sentences - fill gap Cari padanan
present tense (verbs)
present tense (verbs) Padankan
present and past tense
present and past tense Cari padanan
Present perfect tense Group sort
Present perfect tense Group sort Susunan kumpulan
German verbs present tense
German verbs present tense Ketuk Tikus Mondok
Present tense conjugation
Present tense conjugation Cari padanan
Present Simple Tense Verbs
Present Simple Tense Verbs Ketuk Tikus Mondok
present tense (endings)
present tense (endings) Padankan
-RE verbs present tense French
-RE verbs present tense French Padankan
Verbe "aller" present tense
Verbe "aller" present tense Padankan
Present continuous tense
Present continuous tense Cari padanan
Present Tense AR Verbs Spanish
Present Tense AR Verbs Spanish Kuiz
Present simple +/-/? DO auxiliary  EF Pre-Int 1b
Present simple +/-/? DO auxiliary EF Pre-Int 1b Lengkapkan ayat
Pulihkan autosimpan: ?