
English / ESL Phonics Primary

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e u i o words
e u i o words Kuiz
Sh vs Ch
Sh vs Ch Kuiz
 sh, ch, th
sh, ch, th Kuiz
sh ch th
sh ch th Susunan kumpulan
sh, ch, th
sh, ch, th Padankan
Letter Mm
Letter Mm Padankan
Letter Nn
Letter Nn Padankan
Letter Rr
Letter Rr Padankan
"f" vs "h" sounds
"f" vs "h" sounds Kuiz
l j v w x y
l j v w x y Kuiz
 Reading Phonics (-ee, -ea,-[i])
Reading Phonics (-ee, -ea,-[i]) Roda rawak
 ear, air
ear, air Kuiz
TH-reading Kad rawak
th (voiced\voiceless), ng
th (voiced\voiceless), ng Padankan
Sh vs Ch
Sh vs Ch Buah terbang
Phonics reading 1
Phonics reading 1 Kad rawak
Phonics 2 reading
Phonics 2 reading Kad rawak
qu, sh, ch
qu, sh, ch Anagram
 qu, j, z, x
qu, j, z, x Pasangan sepadan
m d g o c
m d g o c Kuiz
f, h
f, h Cari padanan
m d g o c
m d g o c Cari padanan
2 a o u i sh ch oo ee or ar ai ay ow ou ck ea oa
2 a o u i sh ch oo ee or ar ai ay ow ou ck ea oa Kad rawak
Unscramble the words
Unscramble the words Anagram
Clothes Cari padanan
Phonics - oa
Phonics - oa Kad rawak
Phonics - all
Phonics - all Kad rawak
Phonics - aw
Phonics - aw Kad rawak
Phonics - UR IR ER
Phonics - UR IR ER Kad rawak
ar Kad rawak
Short o words
Short o words Kuiz rancangan mainan
Phonics A C T B I G
Phonics A C T B I G Kuiz
-ng phonics
-ng phonics Kad rawak
Long O Sort (o_e, ow, oa, oe)
Long O Sort (o_e, ow, oa, oe) Susunan kumpulan
Digraphs sh ch
Digraphs sh ch Susunan kumpulan
he she  + name + age +toy
he she + name + age +toy Kad rawak
Phonics - ea
Phonics - ea Kad rawak
CVC reading
CVC reading Membuka kotak
short I and long I
short I and long I Susunan kumpulan
Phonics - oi, oy
Phonics - oi, oy Kad rawak
Phonics 'ee', 'ea'
Phonics 'ee', 'ea' Cari padanan
Phonics - ee
Phonics - ee Kad rawak
Short A and short U
Short A and short U Kad rawak
Letters Capital Low case
Letters Capital Low case Padankan
Phonics SH sound
Phonics SH sound Kad rawak
Oxford Phonics Letter Cc
Oxford Phonics Letter Cc Padankan
Oxford Phonics Letter Mm
Oxford Phonics Letter Mm Padankan
Oxford Phonics Letter Ll
Oxford Phonics Letter Ll Padankan
Oxford Phonics Letter Vv
Oxford Phonics Letter Vv Padankan
Oxford Phonics Letter Bb
Oxford Phonics Letter Bb Padankan
Phonics S-N
Phonics S-N Susunan kumpulan
Oxford Phonics Letter Zz
Oxford Phonics Letter Zz Padankan
Oxford Phonics Letter Rr
Oxford Phonics Letter Rr Padankan
Oxford Phonics Letter Dd
Oxford Phonics Letter Dd Padankan
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