
2nd Grade Spelling

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2 syllable closed words
2 syllable closed words Kuiz rancangan mainan
-ing words
-ing words Kad imbas
Sentence Reading Fluency
Sentence Reading Fluency Kuiz rancangan mainan
Give a synonym for these overused words
Give a synonym for these overused words Roda rawak
Wonders Spelling Grade 2 Unit 3 Week 5 Long u
Wonders Spelling Grade 2 Unit 3 Week 5 Long u Susunan kumpulan
Unit 8 Week3 : al aw au
Unit 8 Week3 : al aw au Kuiz
Vowel Teams
Vowel Teams Anagram
Wonders Grade 2 Unit 5 Week 1
Wonders Grade 2 Unit 5 Week 1 Susunan kumpulan
Wonders Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 5 air are ear ere
Wonders Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 5 air are ear ere Susunan kumpulan
pick the spelling of /er/
pick the spelling of /er/ Kuiz
Wa words
Wa words Anagram
long e word sort (e-e, e, -y, ea, ee)
long e word sort (e-e, e, -y, ea, ee) Susunan kumpulan
long a and long e vowel team review (ai, ay, ee, ea)
long a and long e vowel team review (ai, ay, ee, ea) Lengkapkan ayat
long a word sort (a-e, ay, ea, ai)
long a word sort (a-e, ay, ea, ai) Susunan kumpulan
long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa)
long o word sort (o-e, o, ou, oa) Susunan kumpulan
r-controlled sentence fill-in review
r-controlled sentence fill-in review Lengkapkan ayat
Syllable Types BIG Sort
Syllable Types BIG Sort Susunan kumpulan
ee and ea homophones
ee and ea homophones Membuka kotak
vowel team spell-in-the-blank (ai, ay, ea, ee, oa, ou)
vowel team spell-in-the-blank (ai, ay, ea, ee, oa, ou) Cari padanan
spelling long vowel sounds
spelling long vowel sounds Anagram
spelling consonant-le words
spelling consonant-le words Anagram
Spelling oi & oy words
Spelling oi & oy words Lengkapkan ayat
short and long a
short and long a Susunan kumpulan
ai/ay Vowel Digraphs
ai/ay Vowel Digraphs Pecahkan belon
consonant + le syllable matching
consonant + le syllable matching Padankan
VCV - Tiger or Camel?
VCV - Tiger or Camel? Susunan kumpulan
3.1 Ending Blend Match-mp, nt, nd, lt, lk
3.1 Ending Blend Match-mp, nt, nd, lt, lk Susunan kumpulan
Soft C review (pairs with Whack-a-Mole soft c #17)
Soft C review (pairs with Whack-a-Mole soft c #17) Kad rawak
ai words
ai words Kuiz
Wicked /wa/
Wicked /wa/ Roda rawak
2 sounds of 'ear'
2 sounds of 'ear' Susunan kumpulan
Contractions Roda rawak
c or k
c or k Susunan kumpulan
Long O - o, ow, oa
Long O - o, ow, oa Kuiz
beginning blends
beginning blends Tukang gantung
Unjumble sentences with floss words
Unjumble sentences with floss words Susun kemas
-ck words
-ck words Anagram
Final /k/ spelling (K or CK)
Final /k/ spelling (K or CK) Susunan kumpulan
-ck Bat and Ball story (Barton L3L7)
-ck Bat and Ball story (Barton L3L7) Lengkapkan ayat
Milk Truck (Barton L3L7)
Milk Truck (Barton L3L7) Susun kemas
-ck Sick Nick (Barton L3L7)
-ck Sick Nick (Barton L3L7) Lengkapkan ayat
-tch Unjumble sentences (Barton L3L9)
-tch Unjumble sentences (Barton L3L9) Susun kemas
UFLI 35 Short A Review
UFLI 35 Short A Review Pasangan sepadan
Barton 4.13 OW EW
Barton 4.13 OW EW Tukang gantung
Barton 4.12 AY EE
Barton 4.12 AY EE Tukang gantung
<er> words
<er> words Kad rawak
Barton 4.14 EE AI OA
Barton 4.14 EE AI OA Tukang gantung
UFLI 84 AI AY Ketuk Tikus Mondok
Barton 4.08 Compound Words
Barton 4.08 Compound Words Tukang gantung
AU AW AUGH OU OUGH Menang atau kalah kuiz
Past Tense Verbs
Past Tense Verbs Ketuk Tikus Mondok
Cry Baby- 2 sounds of final Y
Cry Baby- 2 sounds of final Y Susunan kumpulan
ow spelling unjumble
ow spelling unjumble Susun kemas
Spelling Board
Spelling Board Magnet perkataan
Sort the ow Spelling
Sort the ow Spelling Susunan kumpulan
long u word sort (u-e, ou, oo)
long u word sort (u-e, ou, oo) Susunan kumpulan
Barton 4.05 Rule Review
Barton 4.05 Rule Review Kuiz
au versus aw
au versus aw Benar atau palsu
UFLI Heart Words:  Lesson 058-062
UFLI Heart Words: Lesson 058-062 Kad rawak
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