Kindergarten Speech therapy
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Membuka kotak
Initial /f/ Words
Pasangan sepadan
Summer Actions
Cari padanan
Peppa Pig Sentences
Membuka kotak
Months and Days
Ketuk Tikus Mondok
Summer vocabulary Matching
Gambar rajah berlabel
Membuka kotak
Change the Verb to Past Tense
vocalic "ar"
Roda rawak
Multiple Meaning words
Roda rawak
Final /g/
Membuka kotak
High frequency /th/ words
Roda rawak
/s/ words all positions woozle game
Membuka kotak
/r/ Initial word position
Ketuk Tikus Mondok
Find all the S, Z words in the Word Search
Carian perkataan
/s z/ Final sentences
Kad rawak
3 Step Directions/Commands #2
Kad rawak
R first sound Hangman
Tukang gantung
/r/ words initial position Woozle Game
Membuka kotak
Voiceless /th/
Roda rawak
/f/ minimal pairs (stopping)
Kuiz imej
Medial /l/
Roda rawak
SH, L, R, TH words to sentences
Kad rawak
/th/ IMF Sentences
Kad rawak
Problem Solving Scenerios
Membuka kotak
Articulation Wheel
Roda rawak
S SH tongue Twisters
Kad rawak
Final /l/ Words
Kad rawak
Final /k/ Words
Kad rawak
Match Present to Past tense verb
Cari padanan
LAMP actions
R-blends Woozle Game
Membuka kotak
Is this a FACT or an OPINION
Membuka kotak
In, on, under
Kuiz rancangan mainan
/l/ Words - Probe (Init, Med, Final)
Roda rawak
/s z/ Medial Sentences
Kad rawak
Medial /k/ words
Kad rawak
Irregular Past Tense Verbs
Roda rawak
Conversation Starters Set 1
Kad rawak
High Frequency SH Words
Roda rawak
Harder Emotions
Roda rawak
Initial /l/ words
Kad rawak
Medial r words
Kad rawak
Pronoun Practice
Susunan kumpulan
Membuka kotak
Membuka kotak
Action Verbs (he/she is...)
Tonton dan hafal
Initial /f/ Words
Roda rawak
Category Game
Roda rawak
3 Step directions/Commands #1
Kad rawak
/k/ All Positions
Roda rawak
Mixed /l/ blends
Roda rawak
/th/ Voiced initial medial woozle game
Membuka kotak
/s-blends/ Woozle game
Membuka kotak
/l/ in all positions
Kuiz imej
L Hangman
Tukang gantung