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6.963 resultaten voor 'adjectives'

Noun, Adjective or Verb?
Noun, Adjective or Verb? Sorteren
adjectives to describe a person
adjectives to describe a person Verbinden
Expanded Noun Phrase
Expanded Noun Phrase Maak de zin af
Year 1
Year 1 Sorteren
Comparatives Quiz
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Quiz
Random cards "colours"_wordsearch
Random cards "colours"_wordsearch Woordzoeker
Word Types and Language Devices quiz
Word Types and Language Devices quiz Quiz
Adjectives to Describe a park
Adjectives to Describe a park Maak de zin af
Enormous Crocodile Word class sort
Enormous Crocodile Word class sort Sorteren
Intermediate and Advanced English: describing clothes
Intermediate and Advanced English: describing clothes Verbinden
Adjectives to describe personality
Adjectives to describe personality Verbinden
adjectives (suffixes)
adjectives (suffixes) Spel het woord
Feelings Vakjes openmaken
SM 1 u.2 Toys+Adjectives Cards
SM 1 u.2 Toys+Adjectives Cards Kaarten delen
Character Adjectives
Character Adjectives Verbinden
LIfTT - <-er> or <-est> quiz
LIfTT - <-er> or <-est> quiz Quiz
Personality traits
Personality traits Verbinden
UNIT 4 6A Verbinden
27.07.2024  А1-1-А1-3
27.07.2024 А1-1-А1-3 Verbinden
Super sport
Super sport Quiz
Emotions Woordzoeker
adjectives Woordzoeker
Random cards "colours"_find the match
Random cards "colours"_find the match Kies het antwoord
Adjectives Anagram
Solutions Inter IC
Solutions Inter IC Verbinden
health comes first
health comes first Quiz
Chinese Ways and Habits in Business and Everyday Communication Part 2
Chinese Ways and Habits in Business and Everyday Communication Part 2 Verbinden
12 colours. Write the names of the colours.
12 colours. Write the names of the colours. Anagram
hangman new words
hangman new words Galgje
Spotlight 4 M4 Adjectives
Spotlight 4 M4 Adjectives Quiz
Solutions Elem 3C adjectives
Solutions Elem 3C adjectives Kies het antwoord
Adjective sorting Supertato
Adjective sorting Supertato Sorteren
poptropica 3 unit 2 adjectives-1
poptropica 3 unit 2 adjectives-1 Verbinden
Describing people (hair and face) Hny
Describing people (hair and face) Hny Labyrint
TRAVEL DREAMERS Adjectives Kies het antwoord
Unit 9A: Vocabulary
Unit 9A: Vocabulary Vakjes openmaken
My/his/her/your/their/our Vakjes openmaken
Adjectives Rad van fortuin
Personality vs Appearance - Adjectives
Personality vs Appearance - Adjectives Sorteren
Feelings Verbinden
Antonyms Rad van fortuin
Noun or Adjective? B
Noun or Adjective? B Goed of fout
Mother Gothel
Mother Gothel Gelabelde afbeelding
Reading Vocabulary year 3
Reading Vocabulary year 3 Verbinden
3 Christmas-related words that ...
3 Christmas-related words that ... Vakjes openmaken
The Bloodbottler: Adventurous Vocabulary 3CC
The Bloodbottler: Adventurous Vocabulary 3CC Verbinden
The Bloodbottler: Adventurous Vocabulary 2CC
The Bloodbottler: Adventurous Vocabulary 2CC Verbinden
ESOL Entry 2 Adjectives and Modifiers quiz
ESOL Entry 2 Adjectives and Modifiers quiz Quiz
Is it a Noun, Adjective or Verb?
Is it a Noun, Adjective or Verb? Sorteren
English Lit vocab 1
English Lit vocab 1 Kruiswoordpuzzel
Adjective + Modifier
Adjective + Modifier Vliegend fruit
Adjectives - comparative and superlative
Adjectives - comparative and superlative Quiz
Hard word search 🔍 try it to test yourself!!!
Hard word search 🔍 try it to test yourself!!! Woordzoeker
Adjectives of Length
Adjectives of Length Rad van fortuin
Vocab Y6 - A1 - spell
Vocab Y6 - A1 - spell Quiz
Adjectives of Shape
Adjectives of Shape Rad van fortuin
P6 Sentence Game
P6 Sentence Game Woordmagneten
Superhero physical adjectives by London Centre of English Wlodawa
Superhero physical adjectives by London Centre of English Wlodawa Verbinden
Countries vs. Languages
Countries vs. Languages Sorteren
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?