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394 resultaten voor 'construction'

 Fire Extinguisher Colours
Fire Extinguisher Colours Gelabelde afbeelding
Health & Safety legislation
Health & Safety legislation Verbinden
Health and safety symbols
Health and safety symbols Kies het antwoord
Tool Identification and uses.
Tool Identification and uses. Gameshow quiz
Health and Safety Legislation
Health and Safety Legislation Verbinden
6219 101 exam prep
6219 101 exam prep Gameshow quiz
Sustainable masonry materials
Sustainable masonry materials Sorteren
Asbestos  where it hides - residential (adapted from HSE website)
Asbestos where it hides - residential (adapted from HSE website) Gelabelde afbeelding
Foundations Order
Foundations Order Rangschikken
Sustainable Construction
Sustainable Construction Maak de zin af
Safety in Construction
Safety in Construction Quiz
PPE labelling
PPE labelling Gelabelde afbeelding
renewable energy
renewable energy Goed of fout
Fire Classes
Fire Classes Verbinden
Construction Careers Vocab
Construction Careers Vocab Woordzoeker
Construction Careers Job Match
Construction Careers Job Match Verbinden
Soldering Rangschikken
Construction tools identification
Construction tools identification Afbeeldingsquiz
Calculating quantities
Calculating quantities Gameshow quiz
Plumbing Copper pipework
Plumbing Copper pipework Gameshow quiz
Hazards and Risks
Hazards and Risks Memory
Fire extinguishers
Fire extinguishers Labyrint
Unit 202 a
Unit 202 a Quiz
Circular Saw Components
Circular Saw Components Gelabelde afbeelding
7202 108 Above Ground Drainage
7202 108 Above Ground Drainage Goed of fout
Planning a site layout
Planning a site layout Kies het antwoord
Roofing materials
Roofing materials Kijk en onthoud
Types of floors and materials
Types of floors and materials Kies het antwoord
COSHH Kies het antwoord
Tools Quiz
Tools Quiz Gameshow quiz
Sustainable  Construction 1
Sustainable Construction 1 Woordmagneten
Components of a Roof - match the definitions
Components of a Roof - match the definitions Verbinden
Carpentry Glossary 1
Carpentry Glossary 1 Verbinden
Step Construction
Step Construction Gelabelde afbeelding
8202 Unvented cylinder component identification
8202 Unvented cylinder component identification Gelabelde afbeelding
6219 Health and Safety hazards
6219 Health and Safety hazards Gelabelde afbeelding
Possible Asbestos containing materials
Possible Asbestos containing materials Verbinden
6219-06 Structure types
6219-06 Structure types Verbinden
Professional Roles
Professional Roles Verbinden
6219 101 exam prep
6219 101 exam prep Gameshow quiz
What to wear......on a Construction Site
What to wear......on a Construction Site Whack-a-mole
Drill bits
Drill bits Gelabelde afbeelding
Timber Conversion
Timber Conversion Gelabelde afbeelding
Construction Drawings
Construction Drawings Kies het antwoord
8202-25 (y plan)
8202-25 (y plan) Gelabelde afbeelding
infinitive construction y12
infinitive construction y12 Verbinden
 Jobs in Construction Crossword
Jobs in Construction Crossword Kruiswoordpuzzel
cold water 8202-25
cold water 8202-25 Quiz
Who does what?
Who does what? Sorteren
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