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English E3

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10.000+ resultaten voor 'english e3'

Subject verb agreement E3
Subject verb agreement E3 Maak de zin af
Purpose of Texts E3
Purpose of Texts E3 Verbinden
Past, present and future tenses MCQ
Past, present and future tenses MCQ Quiz
Add the capital letters
Add the capital letters Maak de zin af
Alphabet Ontwarren
Put these words in alphabetical order
Put these words in alphabetical order Ontwarren
Alphabetical order
Alphabetical order Rangschikken
Subject verb agreement
Subject verb agreement Quiz
Comparatives Ontwarren
Comparatives - endings
Comparatives - endings Sorteren
Healthy or Unhealthy Food and Drink?
Healthy or Unhealthy Food and Drink? Sorteren
Healthy Living
Healthy Living Quiz
Prefixes 20 Questions
Prefixes 20 Questions Quiz
ESOL E3 talk about jobs
ESOL E3 talk about jobs Rad van fortuin
ESOL E3 linking words
ESOL E3 linking words Maak de zin af
ESOL E3 Alphabetical Order 4 sports
ESOL E3 Alphabetical Order 4 sports Rangschikken
Say or Tell E3
Say or Tell E3 Quiz
ESOL E3 Health problems - should
ESOL E3 Health problems - should Quiz
Describing Places - Adjectives E3
Describing Places - Adjectives E3 Verbinden
ESOL E3 do and make
ESOL E3 do and make Maak de zin af
Interview Questions E3
Interview Questions E3 Vakjes openmaken
E3 Numeracy - Vocabulary Quiz
E3 Numeracy - Vocabulary Quiz Quiz
Conversation @ E3
Conversation @ E3 Kaarten delen
 Journeys E3 comparative and superlative
Journeys E3 comparative and superlative Rad van fortuin
St Dwynwen's Day: recognising sentence structures - E3-L1 Skillsworkshop
St Dwynwen's Day: recognising sentence structures - E3-L1 Skillsworkshop Sorteren
Valentine's Day E3-L1 Functional English extra reading questions - Skillsworkshop
Valentine's Day E3-L1 Functional English extra reading questions - Skillsworkshop Quiz
New Year 2022: E3-L1 Functional English features of text - Skillsworkshop
New Year 2022: E3-L1 Functional English features of text - Skillsworkshop Gelabelde afbeelding
! or ?
! or ? Sorteren
Halloween Spelling
Halloween Spelling Whack-a-mole
Plurals = more than one
Plurals = more than one Quiz
Structure: Review/article about a new video game
Structure: Review/article about a new video game Rangschikken
Parts of speech E3
Parts of speech E3 Sorteren
Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs Maak de zin af
Missing verb (was/were/wasn't /weren't)
Missing verb (was/were/wasn't /weren't) Rad van fortuin
Valentine's Day E2-E3 Functional English extra reading & spelling questions (plurals) - Skillsworkshop
Valentine's Day E2-E3 Functional English extra reading & spelling questions (plurals) - Skillsworkshop Quiz
ESOL E3 tenses with since or for - unjumble
ESOL E3 tenses with since or for - unjumble Ontwarren
Pancake Day E3-L2 Functional English extra questions - Skillsworkshop
Pancake Day E3-L2 Functional English extra questions - Skillsworkshop Quiz
 Text Types
Text Types Sorteren
English Clothes
English Clothes Gelabelde afbeelding
ESOL E3 Reported Speech
ESOL E3 Reported Speech Quiz
ESOL E3 present perfect or past simple
ESOL E3 present perfect or past simple Maak de zin af
Quite quiet
Quite quiet Maak de zin af
ESOL E3 used to
ESOL E3 used to Maak de zin af
ESOL E3 should for advice
ESOL E3 should for advice Quiz
ESOL E3 Linking words
ESOL E3 Linking words Maak de zin af
ESOL E3 Linking words 2
ESOL E3 Linking words 2 Quiz
ESOL E3 Football text
ESOL E3 Football text Maak de zin af
Relative Pronouns E3
Relative Pronouns E3 Verbinden
ESOL E3 frequency phrases
ESOL E3 frequency phrases Quiz
Numbers 1-10 English
Numbers 1-10 English Gelabelde afbeelding
English quiz
English quiz Quiz
door Anoniem
2. Fact or Opinion?
2. Fact or Opinion? Quiz
Cards Past Simple Wh- questions (you)
Cards Past Simple Wh- questions (you) Kaarten delen
E3 Discourse Markers
E3 Discourse Markers Sorteren
ESOL E3 Irregular past forms pelmanism
ESOL E3 Irregular past forms pelmanism Memory
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?