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1.248 resultaten voor 'elementary'

Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs Rad van fortuin
Question words
Question words Verbinden
Elementary Text
Elementary Text Maak de zin af
 Prepositions Unit 1F Solutions
Prepositions Unit 1F Solutions Quiz
Outcomes Elementary unit 11 Ordering food
Outcomes Elementary unit 11 Ordering food Maak de zin af
Clothes Gelabelde afbeelding
 Zero conditional
Zero conditional Verbinden
Elementary Vocab
Elementary Vocab Sorteren
Plural Irregular
Plural Irregular Memory
I want this / these clothes
I want this / these clothes Quiz
Put on your shoes song
Put on your shoes song Quiz
AS1 Unit 9  -ck words
AS1 Unit 9 -ck words Anagram
Body parts Bluey
Body parts Bluey Gelabelde afbeelding
the same or different?
the same or different? Quiz
SO 2nd Elementary 1.1 counties & nationalities
SO 2nd Elementary 1.1 counties & nationalities Kaarten delen
In a restaurant
In a restaurant Verbinden
Who, what, why, which, how
Who, what, why, which, how Maak de zin af
Pancake Gelabelde afbeelding
What + noun questions
What + noun questions Verbinden
This-that-these-those by Teacher Paola
This-that-these-those by Teacher Paola Quiz
Where is Spiderman?
Where is Spiderman? Kaarten delen
EF elementary 1a
EF elementary 1a Kaarten delen
Natural features  Elementary Core 1
Natural features Elementary Core 1 Gameshow quiz
Where's Totoro? SM1 Landscapes
Where's Totoro? SM1 Landscapes Kaarten delen
quiz KB2 Unit 4 Which shoes?
quiz KB2 Unit 4 Which shoes? Quiz
Say it in on under next to
Say it in on under next to Quiz
Spell it, adjectives pre A1
Spell it, adjectives pre A1 Anagram
Sound Where is ...
Sound Where is ... Quiz
School subjects
School subjects Quiz
Alphabet Kaarten delen
KB1 Unit 11 rooms spelling
KB1 Unit 11 rooms spelling Anagram
Own it-2, Unit 7, technology collocations
Own it-2, Unit 7, technology collocations Kies het antwoord
Superlatives Refresher A1
Superlatives Refresher A1 Quiz
numbers 1-12
numbers 1-12 Anagram
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?