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Key Stage 1 Mathematics Subtraction

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numbers 1-5 matching
numbers 1-5 matching Memory
How many?
How many? Rad van fortuin
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What can you see? 3 or not 3? Goed of fout
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Height and length-GD Quiz
Ordering Units of Time
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Adding to 20
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Dates Verbinden
door Anoniem
Random wheel1 numbers 1 - 20
Random wheel1 numbers 1 - 20 Rad van fortuin
number names and numerals to 20
number names and numerals to 20 Kies het antwoord
match teen numbers with numicon
match teen numbers with numicon Kies het antwoord
2 times tables
2 times tables Verbinden
number recognition
number recognition Kies het antwoord
Days of the week
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o'clock and half past Quiz
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Shape Quiz
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length and height
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days of the week search
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Fractions quiz
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Telling the Time
Telling the Time Verbinden
Telling the time
Telling the time Verbinden
sorting odd and even numbers
sorting odd and even numbers Sorteren
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Time chase
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ordinal number match up
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Are these doubles or not doubles?
Are these doubles or not doubles? Goed of fout
Matching pairs shapes
Matching pairs shapes Memory
0-20 spinner
0-20 spinner Rad van fortuin
Fraction sort 2
Fraction sort 2 Sorteren
Number Bonds to 10
Number Bonds to 10 Kies het antwoord
0-10 spinner
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Two digit number wheel
Two digit number wheel Rad van fortuin
Days of the Week
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Odd and Even Numbers
Odd and Even Numbers Quiz
Arian Memory
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 addition subtraction match up
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Addition and Subtraction worksheet
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Time Match up
Time Match up Verbinden
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time Verbinden
Before and After - Numbers to 50
Before and After - Numbers to 50 Quiz
Telling The Time Spinning Wheel
Telling The Time Spinning Wheel Rad van fortuin
Unit Fractions of Amounts
Unit Fractions of Amounts Gameshow quiz
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