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Primary Languages

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10.000+ resultaten voor 'primary languages'

Saying Hello in different languages
Saying Hello in different languages Verbinden
ESOL: Relative Pronoun Practice
ESOL: Relative Pronoun Practice Gameshow quiz
Primary - Weather revision
Primary - Weather revision Ballonnen
Les meubles de la maison
Les meubles de la maison Memory
Dates in Mandarin (characters only)
Dates in Mandarin (characters only) Ballonnen
YCT 1-4 我家有四口人 Characters
YCT 1-4 我家有四口人 Characters Whack-a-mole
irregular red, blue, purple, yellow group
irregular red, blue, purple, yellow group Memory
Colours Anagram
Colours Anagram Anagram
Languages Verbinden
Plurals (-s -es) animals
Plurals (-s -es) animals Goed of fout
Academy Stars 1 Unit 2 Reading Words
Academy Stars 1 Unit 2 Reading Words Kaarten delen
Stella's family
Stella's family Gelabelde afbeelding
My Family
My Family Gelabelde afbeelding
Christmas invitation
Christmas invitation Maak de zin af
Feelings and Emotions
Feelings and Emotions Quiz
Academy Stars 2 Unit 2.6 Fill in the gaps
Academy Stars 2 Unit 2.6 Fill in the gaps Maak de zin af
Spotlight 2 7A  /My animals/
Spotlight 2 7A /My animals/ Verbinden
What can you do?
What can you do? Sorteren
Academy Stars 2 Unit 2.4 Listen and Match
Academy Stars 2 Unit 2.4 Listen and Match Verbinden
Irregular verbs spinner 3
Irregular verbs spinner 3 Rad van fortuin
Emotions Anagram
Days of the week
Days of the week Anagram
Irregular verbs spinner 1
Irregular verbs spinner 1 Rad van fortuin
Irregular verbs spinner 2
Irregular verbs spinner 2 Rad van fortuin
Order of days of the week
Order of days of the week Rangschikken
Irregular verbs spinner 4
Irregular verbs spinner 4 Rad van fortuin
Short or long e sound
Short or long e sound Sorteren
Do you like?
Do you like? Rad van fortuin
Food idioms
Food idioms Verbinden
Peace in different languages
Peace in different languages Verbinden
Simon Says: Make the facial expression or show the body language.
Simon Says: Make the facial expression or show the body language. Rad van fortuin
Types of shops
Types of shops Gelabelde afbeelding
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Sorteren
Cvc reading phase 1 and 2
Cvc reading phase 1 and 2 Vliegtuig
a or an
a or an Goed of fout
Question Words
Question Words Maak de zin af
Parts of the body
Parts of the body Gelabelde afbeelding
Greetings and responses in English
Greetings and responses in English Verbinden
Past Simple
Past Simple Quiz
all food containers match
all food containers match Kies het antwoord
Furniture and Rooms
Furniture and Rooms Sorteren
There is/there are
There is/there are Maak de zin af
Prepostions of place
Prepostions of place Quiz
Time Verbinden
Months of the year
Months of the year Rangschikken
What time is it?
What time is it? Quiz
Food likes and dislikes.
Food likes and dislikes. Ontwarren
Modes of transport
Modes of transport Verbinden
Question Words
Question Words Verbinden
Numbers memory game 1-10
Numbers memory game 1-10 Memory
English alphabet
English alphabet Verbinden
Months of the year.
Months of the year. Anagram
Days of the week
Days of the week Ballonnen
Learning languages
Learning languages Vakjes openmaken
Kolik je hodin?
Kolik je hodin? Quiz
Subject pronouns memory
Subject pronouns memory Memory
Old and new (AS1 U2 Reading)
Old and new (AS1 U2 Reading) Goed of fout
00. magic e (u)
00. magic e (u) Anagram
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