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Secondary Computing

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10.000+ resultaten voor 'secondary computing'

Tick Yes or No.
Tick Yes or No. Kaarten delen
Блок 4
Блок 4 Anagram
Reading 4
Reading 4 Verbinden
Data Types Sorting
Data Types Sorting Sorteren
Флепы 6.3
Флепы 6.3 Quiz
Letters 1-7
Letters 1-7 Kaarten delen
Words 7.1
Words 7.1 Woordzoeker
Computer Systems Quiz
Computer Systems Quiz Quiz winnen of verliezen
Hardware and Software
Hardware and Software Sorteren
Label your PowerPoint
Label your PowerPoint Gelabelde afbeelding
Word Processing Commands
Word Processing Commands Gelabelde afbeelding
Python Verbinden
Present perfect
Present perfect Rad van fortuin
Computer parts
Computer parts Gelabelde afbeelding
Logic Gates
Logic Gates Verbinden
Entry 3 Using ICT in the Workplace
Entry 3 Using ICT in the Workplace Maak de zin af
Computer Terms
Computer Terms Memory
Anagram ICT Words
Anagram ICT Words Anagram
Periodic table
Periodic table Gelabelde afbeelding
Data Representation
Data Representation Maak de zin af
Блок 6 буквы
Блок 6 буквы Kaarten delen
Words 1-6
Words 1-6 Kaarten delen
 Past perfect
Past perfect Quiz
Chromatography Gelabelde afbeelding
Social Media Quiz
Social Media Quiz Quiz
Own it! 4 Unit 3 Cooking Verbs
Own it! 4 Unit 3 Cooking Verbs Gelabelde afbeelding
synonyms Verbinden
VPN Protocols
VPN Protocols Verbinden
Hacker quiz
Hacker quiz Quiz
Items on a Desk
Items on a Desk Gelabelde afbeelding
Data types
Data types Verbinden
Lable the MicroBit
Lable the MicroBit Gelabelde afbeelding
Excel Spreadsheet Labelling
Excel Spreadsheet Labelling Gelabelde afbeelding
Data Threats
Data Threats Quiz
Computer Systems
Computer Systems Woordzoeker
Brawlhalla character crossword part 1
Brawlhalla character crossword part 1 Kruiswoordpuzzel
ICT Match-Up Quiz
ICT Match-Up Quiz Verbinden
Internet and computers
Internet and computers Verbinden
Computer hardware match up
Computer hardware match up Verbinden
Utility Software
Utility Software Quiz
Basic ICT Skills Matchup
Basic ICT Skills Matchup Verbinden
Network Ports
Network Ports Verbinden
File-Home-Review Toolbars
File-Home-Review Toolbars Verbinden
Basic Excel Quiz
Basic Excel Quiz Quiz
Identify the components - Microsoft Word
Identify the components - Microsoft Word Verbinden
Email Format or Not?
Email Format or Not? Sorteren
Was/were Sorteren
Animal and Plant Cell Label
Animal and Plant Cell Label Gelabelde afbeelding
health speaking cards
health speaking cards Kaarten delen
 Electrical Circuits
Electrical Circuits Gelabelde afbeelding
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you? Kaarten delen
Own it! 4 Unit 2 Explaining how to use something
Own it! 4 Unit 2 Explaining how to use something Draaitegels
WHACK! The Input AND Output Device
WHACK! The Input AND Output Device Whack-a-mole
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