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Secondary Speaking

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10.000+ resultaten voor 'secondary speaking'

health speaking cards
health speaking cards Kaarten delen
Hello, how are you?
Hello, how are you? Kaarten delen
Comparatives Kaarten delen
Tick Yes or No.
Tick Yes or No. Kaarten delen
Charity+ volunteering speaking topics
Charity+ volunteering speaking topics Kaarten delen
Used to speaking cards
Used to speaking cards Kaarten delen
Periodic table
Periodic table Gelabelde afbeelding
Colour and write the letters.
Colour and write the letters. Kaarten delen
Where is the mouse? Listen and colour.
Where is the mouse? Listen and colour. Kaarten delen
Letters 1-7
Letters 1-7 Kaarten delen
food discussion
food discussion Kaarten delen
Draw a spider.
Draw a spider. Kaarten delen
Флепы 6.1
Флепы 6.1 Kaarten delen
Words 1-3
Words 1-3 Kaarten delen
words 4
words 4 Kaarten delen
Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute)
Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute) Kaarten delen
 Past perfect
Past perfect Quiz
Who says this? GG3 U2.4
Who says this? GG3 U2.4 Sorteren
Social Media Quiz
Social Media Quiz Quiz
synonyms Verbinden
Chromatography Gelabelde afbeelding
Own it! 4 Unit 3 Cooking Verbs
Own it! 4 Unit 3 Cooking Verbs Gelabelde afbeelding
News speaking cards
News speaking cards Kaarten delen
Unit 6/1 Vocabulary
Unit 6/1 Vocabulary Kaarten delen
Was/were Sorteren
 Electrical Circuits
Electrical Circuits Gelabelde afbeelding
What if...?
What if...? Vakjes openmaken
Animal and Plant Cell Label
Animal and Plant Cell Label Gelabelde afbeelding
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Personal information (5)
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Personal information (5) Flash-kaarten
Own it! 4 Unit 2 Explaining how to use something
Own it! 4 Unit 2 Explaining how to use something Draaitegels
 National Gaelic opinions questions - speaking
National Gaelic opinions questions - speaking Rad van fortuin
Own it! 3 Unit 5.1 Planet Earth
Own it! 3 Unit 5.1 Planet Earth Verbinden
Флепы 8.1
Флепы 8.1 Kaarten delen
Stages of food product development
Stages of food product development Verbinden
Own it! 4 Cooking Verbs (Cards/Flip Tiles/Match)
Own it! 4 Cooking Verbs (Cards/Flip Tiles/Match) Verbinden
Own it! 4 Unit 1.1_Describing clothes and shoes
Own it! 4 Unit 1.1_Describing clothes and shoes Verbinden
Oxidation Maak de zin af
Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs Gameshow quiz
abc Vakjes openmaken
Fire safety
Fire safety Quiz
Simple Distillation
Simple Distillation Gelabelde afbeelding
Alkanes Names
Alkanes Names Verbinden
Admin Assistant - key terms
Admin Assistant - key terms Anagram
Grammar - Pronouns (Correct or Wrong)
Grammar - Pronouns (Correct or Wrong) Whack-a-mole
Healthy Eating - Eatwell plate
Healthy Eating - Eatwell plate Gelabelde afbeelding
SPEAKING WHEEL (random topics)
SPEAKING WHEEL (random topics) Rad van fortuin
N5 Marketing : Label the Product Life Cycle
N5 Marketing : Label the Product Life Cycle Gelabelde afbeelding
First & Second Conditional matching
First & Second Conditional matching Quiz
National 5 Biology Unit 1
National 5 Biology Unit 1 Vakjes openmaken
24 hour to 12 hour time
24 hour to 12 hour time Verbinden
Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System Gelabelde afbeelding
Im Klassenzimmer
Im Klassenzimmer Gelabelde afbeelding
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Email (3)
Go Getter 2 Unit 1.4 Email (3) Flash-kaarten
Блок 4
Блок 4 Anagram
Meine Ferien
Meine Ferien Maak de zin af
Ich bin online!
Ich bin online! Gelabelde afbeelding
Reading 4
Reading 4 Verbinden
Listen and number the pictures.
Listen and number the pictures. Kaarten delen
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?