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Year 1 Mathematics Subtraction

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10.000+ resultaten voor 'y1 maths subtraction'

Subtraction within 20
Subtraction within 20 Kies het antwoord
Subtraction within 20
Subtraction within 20 Vliegtuig
Repeated Addition-Find the match
Repeated Addition-Find the match Kies het antwoord
Place value number match
Place value number match Gelabelde afbeelding
Part-part-whole to 10
Part-part-whole to 10 Kies het antwoord
Half, or not half?
Half, or not half? Quiz
Counting/subitising/number recognition to 5. What do you see? How many? Select the correct number.
Counting/subitising/number recognition to 5. What do you see? How many? Select the correct number. Quiz
O'clock Practice
O'clock Practice Quiz
Addition within 20
Addition within 20 Vliegtuig
Match the Coins & Notes Game
Match the Coins & Notes Game Kies het antwoord
Addition and Subtraction Vocabulary Sort
Addition and Subtraction Vocabulary Sort Sorteren
Counting in 10s
Counting in 10s Whack-a-mole
British Coins Random Wheel
British Coins Random Wheel Rad van fortuin
Addition within 20
Addition within 20 Goed of fout
Match Up the Coins Game
Match Up the Coins Game Verbinden
Months of the year
Months of the year Rangschikken
Days of the week- spellings
Days of the week- spellings Anagram
Numicon Spinner
Numicon Spinner Rad van fortuin
TELLING THE TIME - hour and half hour
TELLING THE TIME - hour and half hour Quiz
comparing height and length
comparing height and length Quiz
Months of the year
Months of the year Quiz
Even and Odd
Even and Odd Whack-a-mole
Properties of 3D Shapes
Properties of 3D Shapes Kies het antwoord
Before and After to 30
Before and After to 30 Gameshow quiz
Months of the year quiz
Months of the year quiz Quiz
Repeating Patterns.  What comes next?
Repeating Patterns. What comes next? Quiz
Number Lines
Number Lines Maak de zin af
Subtraction within 10
Subtraction within 10 Verbinden
6 Times Tables
6 Times Tables Labyrint
Repeated Addition-Aeroplane
Repeated Addition-Aeroplane Vliegtuig
What time is it?
What time is it? Quiz
1 more than
1 more than Verbinden
Missing number sequences 0-20
Missing number sequences 0-20 Kies het antwoord
Veiksmai dešimties ribose
Veiksmai dešimties ribose Gelabelde afbeelding
One more, one less
One more, one less Verbinden
1 more than wheel
1 more than wheel Rad van fortuin
Amser! Labyrint
 1-15 bingo wheel
1-15 bingo wheel Rad van fortuin
Numbers memory game 1-10
Numbers memory game 1-10 Memory
Time Verbinden
Subitize dots to 5
Subitize dots to 5 Kaarten delen
Symmetry Sort
Symmetry Sort Sorteren
Spelling numbers
Spelling numbers Anagram
Cwis Arian
Cwis Arian Quiz
Additon within 10
Additon within 10 Kies het antwoord
2x table match - harder
2x table match - harder Verbinden
Money Conversion
Money Conversion Gameshow quiz
Whack a mole x5
Whack a mole x5 Whack-a-mole
Greater Than, Less Than or Equal To (within 20)
Greater Than, Less Than or Equal To (within 20) Quiz
 3D Shape Sort
3D Shape Sort Sorteren
10 frame subitize
10 frame subitize Kaarten delen
Mathemateg pen
Mathemateg pen Kies het antwoord
Open the Box Coins & Notes Game
Open the Box Coins & Notes Game Vakjes openmaken
Numbers 11-20
Numbers 11-20 Woordzoeker
numbers 1-10
numbers 1-10 Kies het antwoord
Addition 1 - 10
Addition 1 - 10 Kies het antwoord
3 Times Table Challenge
3 Times Table Challenge Verbinden
1-20 Wheel.
1-20 Wheel. Rad van fortuin
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?