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10.000+ resultaten voor '12'

prepare 1 unit 9-12 grammar
prepare 1 unit 9-12 grammar Maak de zin af
U-12 Films Vocab
U-12 Films Vocab Verbinden
Числа 1-12 Numbers 1-12
Числа 1-12 Numbers 1-12 Verbinden
HSK1 12 урок 太...了 ...
HSK1 12 урок 太...了 ... Vakjes openmaken
TV Programmes Spotlight 6 unit 4b
TV Programmes Spotlight 6 unit 4b Anagram
U-12 Vocab: Technology
U-12 Vocab: Technology Verbinden
Kid's box 3 unit 4 Places in the City spelling
Kid's box 3 unit 4 Places in the City spelling Anagram
U-12: Vocab: Technology 2
U-12: Vocab: Technology 2 Maak de zin af
Like + Ving
Like + Ving Quiz
be good at
be good at Ontwarren
Future Simple
Future Simple Quiz
GG2 0.1 countries and nationalities
GG2 0.1 countries and nationalities Kies het antwoord
Go Getter 1_0.3_ It's or they're
Go Getter 1_0.3_ It's or they're Goed of fout
Appearance Gelabelde afbeelding
Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Spotlight 4, Module 7.
Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Spotlight 4, Module 7. Maak de zin af
Spotlight5 a visit to the vet
Spotlight5 a visit to the vet Maak de zin af
money Verbinden
Appearance (1A) Spotlight 6
Appearance (1A) Spotlight 6 Sorteren
My place spotlight 6 unit 2b
My place spotlight 6 unit 2b Gelabelde afbeelding
12 Ballonnen
spotlight5 shops (unit 9A)
spotlight5 shops (unit 9A) Kies het antwoord
Food: countable/uncountable
Food: countable/uncountable Sorteren
Do you like ... ?
Do you like ... ? Rad van fortuin
Put missed words
Put missed words Maak de zin af
FlyHigh 4 Future Simple
FlyHigh 4 Future Simple Verbinden
Prepare 1 PLURALS
Prepare 1 PLURALS Sorteren
Christmas Vocab
Christmas Vocab Quiz
Go Getter 3_3.6_Email
Go Getter 3_3.6_Email Maak de zin af
Prepare 2 Birthday
Prepare 2 Birthday Quiz
Numbers 10-100
Numbers 10-100 Memory
Countries/nationalities spotlight5 unit 2A
Countries/nationalities spotlight5 unit 2A Kies het antwoord
U-14 Prepositions of placement
U-14 Prepositions of placement Gelabelde afbeelding
Go Getter 3_Unit 3.3
Go Getter 3_Unit 3.3 Kaarten delen
Find animals
Find animals Woordzoeker
Past Simple
Past Simple Quiz
PrS, PrP, PrC activity 1
PrS, PrP, PrC activity 1 Quiz
comparisons unit 2.2 GG3
comparisons unit 2.2 GG3 Kaarten delen
Solutions elementary Unit 6F
Solutions elementary Unit 6F Verbinden
Go Getter 2_6.4_Can I borrow your...?
Go Getter 2_6.4_Can I borrow your...? Vakjes openmaken
An elephant can stomp
An elephant can stomp Verbinden
A/an; some
A/an; some Sorteren
at the zoo
at the zoo Verbinden
Go Getter 1_5.2
Go Getter 1_5.2 Sorteren
Go Getter 3_Unit 8.4
Go Getter 3_Unit 8.4 Quiz
Reading ee/ea sound
Reading ee/ea sound Kaarten delen
Months Galgje
Go Getter 1  2.1
Go Getter 1 2.1 Verbinden
prepare unit 7
prepare unit 7 Kies het antwoord
spotlight4 irregular verbs (2)
spotlight4 irregular verbs (2) Verbinden
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs Verbinden
Articles (a/an, the, zero article), B2
Articles (a/an, the, zero article), B2 Quiz
Comparative and superlative adjectives unit 2.2
Comparative and superlative adjectives unit 2.2 Quiz
Like/love/hate + Ving
Like/love/hate + Ving Quiz
Цвета Verbinden
Starlight 5 injuries
Starlight 5 injuries Verbinden
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?