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4-й класс Английский язык Present Simple

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10.000+ resultaten voor '4 класс английский present simple'

To be (Present and Past Simple)
To be (Present and Past Simple) Gameshow quiz
Present Simple vs Present Continious
Present Simple vs Present Continious Maak de zin af
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Kaarten delen
-ED окончание Past simple
-ED окончание Past simple Sorteren
Make sentenses.
Make sentenses. Ontwarren
Time Markers. Present Simple/Present Continuous/Past Simple
Time Markers. Present Simple/Present Continuous/Past Simple Sorteren
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Maak de zin af
Present Continious
Present Continious Gameshow quiz
Some Any Much Many
Some Any Much Many Quiz
Do/Does Present Simple questions
Do/Does Present Simple questions Quiz
Present Simple (make up a sentence)
Present Simple (make up a sentence) Kaarten delen
Present Simple affirmative
Present Simple affirmative Quiz
Spotlight 3, 4 Present Simple or Present Continuous
Spotlight 3, 4 Present Simple or Present Continuous Maak de zin af
 Present Simple and Past Simple
Present Simple and Past Simple Quiz
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Vakjes openmaken
Present Simple VS Present Continuous
Present Simple VS Present Continuous Quiz
Spotlight 4 Module 8 16a Future Simpe vs Present Simple
Spotlight 4 Module 8 16a Future Simpe vs Present Simple Quiz
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple Maak de zin af
Peppa Pig
Peppa Pig Kaarten delen
Past Simple. Did / -ed
Past Simple. Did / -ed Maak de zin af
Fun with Fizz 2, Unit 3, Present Continuous
Fun with Fizz 2, Unit 3, Present Continuous Ontwarren
Present Perfect JUST ALREADY quiz
Present Perfect JUST ALREADY quiz Quiz
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Vakjes openmaken
Spotlight 4 Present Simple/Continuous
Spotlight 4 Present Simple/Continuous Maak de zin af
Present Simple and Past Simple Qiuz
Present Simple and Past Simple Qiuz Quiz
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Vakjes openmaken
Rainbow 4 unit 2 present simple/continuous
Rainbow 4 unit 2 present simple/continuous Quiz
Present Simple 4 класс
Present Simple 4 класс Quiz
Pronouns 2 (by alt1147)
Pronouns 2 (by alt1147) Quiz
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Quiz
Present Simple VS Present Continuous
Present Simple VS Present Continuous Sorteren
The Present Continous Tense
The Present Continous Tense Quiz
Надя 1
Надя 1 Sorteren
PresentPerfect VS PastSimple
PresentPerfect VS PastSimple Quiz
irregular verbs part 2
irregular verbs part 2 Goed of fout
Spotlight 4 Module 1 Words+Continuous
Spotlight 4 Module 1 Words+Continuous Gelabelde afbeelding
Past Simple + - ?
Past Simple + - ? Ontwarren
Lizzie Past Simple
Lizzie Past Simple Ontwarren
irregular verbs part 1
irregular verbs part 1 Goed of fout
Past simple (?)
Past simple (?) Maak de zin af
Spotlight 4 Module 1 (Present Continuous)
Spotlight 4 Module 1 (Present Continuous) Quiz
Spotlight 4 M6 11b (past simple +-) didn't
Spotlight 4 M6 11b (past simple +-) didn't Quiz
Starlight 4, Past Simple
Starlight 4, Past Simple Gameshow quiz
Present Simple General Questions Correct / incorrect
Present Simple General Questions Correct / incorrect Quiz
Spotlight 4 Unit 2a Present Continuous
Spotlight 4 Unit 2a Present Continuous Vakjes openmaken
Future Simple make sentences
Future Simple make sentences Flash-kaarten
What will you do tomorrow? (future simple)
What will you do tomorrow? (future simple) Kaarten delen
AS4 U1 dialogue
AS4 U1 dialogue Verbinden
Kid's Box 3 Unit 3 Text
Kid's Box 3 Unit 3 Text Gelabelde afbeelding
Guess the Animal
Guess the Animal Kaarten delen
Irreg Verbs P2
Irreg Verbs P2 Kaarten delen
Seasons and months
Seasons and months Sorteren
Animals. starlight 3-4
Animals. starlight 3-4 Ballonnen
Super Minds 3 - Questions (was/were)
Super Minds 3 - Questions (was/were) Kaarten delen
Can you? Prove it!
Can you? Prove it! Vakjes openmaken
Irreg Verbs P3
Irreg Verbs P3 Kaarten delen
FF4 Unit 8
FF4 Unit 8 Quiz
Food Match up
Food Match up Verbinden
Kid's Box 4 unit 5
Kid's Box 4 unit 5 Memory
GG2 5.4 Communication
GG2 5.4 Communication Verbinden
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?