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6 9 can cant

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Can it...? p. 104 practice
Can it...? p. 104 practice Quiz
Can/ Cannot
Can/ Cannot Quiz
Can questions
Can questions Rad van fortuin
Can sentences p. 104
Can sentences p. 104 Quiz
Can/can't (dialogues)
Can/can't (dialogues) Maak de zin af
Quiz can/can't
Quiz can/can't Quiz
Can TRUE or FALSE (animals)
Can TRUE or FALSE (animals) Quiz
I can / I can't
I can / I can't Kaarten delen
Can you do it only using your left hand?
Can you do it only using your left hand? Rad van fortuin
Can true/false easy
Can true/false easy Goed of fout
Answer the questions Can....?
Answer the questions Can....? Vakjes openmaken
Family and Friends 1 Unit 14
Family and Friends 1 Unit 14 Ontwarren
Can or Can't
Can or Can't Quiz
Can / Can't Beginner EF TR
Can / Can't Beginner EF TR Vakjes openmaken
Can you ... ?
Can you ... ? Vakjes openmaken
Can you?
Can you? Vakjes openmaken
AS1 U5 can/can't
AS1 U5 can/can't Ontwarren
Can cant
Can cant Ontwarren
can\cant Ontwarren
Can you...?
Can you...? Rad van fortuin
Prepare 1 can cant
Prepare 1 can cant Gelabelde afbeelding
An elephant can stomp
An elephant can stomp Verbinden
I can/can't TRP
I can/can't TRP Gelabelde afbeelding
Family and Friends 1 Unit 14 Can/Can't True or False
Family and Friends 1 Unit 14 Can/Can't True or False Quiz
Put missed words
Put missed words Maak de zin af
Kid's box 1 Can / Cant
Kid's box 1 Can / Cant Quiz
Can ..... ?
Can ..... ? Quiz
Colours Vakjes openmaken
letter a
letter a Kaarten delen
Colours Kaarten delen
MEALS Sorteren
Letter e
Letter e Kaarten delen
Spotlight 6 3b Traffic signs
Spotlight 6 3b Traffic signs Quiz
Weather Anagram
can/cant Ontwarren
Prepositions of time in/on/at
Prepositions of time in/on/at Sorteren
Sounds of letter 'a'
Sounds of letter 'a' Quiz
Is it/ It is
Is it/ It is Quiz
Saisons et mois
Saisons et mois Rad van fortuin
Short u
Short u Kaarten delen
U short and long
U short and long Sorteren
Short/long u
Short/long u Kaarten delen
Starlight I can
Starlight I can Ontwarren
I can/can't quiz
I can/can't quiz Quiz
CAN/CAN'T Rad van fortuin
Random Cards Starter unit Spotlight 5 Common verbs
Random Cards Starter unit Spotlight 5 Common verbs Kaarten delen
Can you? Prove it!
Can you? Prove it! Vakjes openmaken
Action song phrases
Action song phrases Verbinden
Have/has got (practice 1)
Have/has got (practice 1) Quiz
There is or There are
There is or There are Quiz
Spotlight 6 My neighbourhood
Spotlight 6 My neighbourhood Kies het antwoord
Have got/ haven't got (practice 2)
Have got/ haven't got (practice 2) Quiz
Have got/has got (practice 5)
Have got/has got (practice 5) Sorteren
Possesive 's
Possesive 's Maak de zin af
Letter Uu
Letter Uu Kaarten delen
Have got/has got
Have got/has got Maak de zin af
Sport Speaking Cards
Sport Speaking Cards Vakjes openmaken
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?