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Future continuous

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10.000+ resultaten voor 'future continuous'

(р) Continuous: Present, Future, Past
(р) Continuous: Present, Future, Past Quiz
Future continuous/Future perfect/Future perfect continuous
Future continuous/Future perfect/Future perfect continuous Rad van fortuin
2. Present, Past, Future continuous
2. Present, Past, Future continuous Maak de zin af
Future Continuous, Future Perfect
Future Continuous, Future Perfect Kaarten delen
What will you be doing ... ?
What will you be doing ... ? Vakjes openmaken
1. Continuous: Present, Future, Past
1. Continuous: Present, Future, Past Quiz
Future dialogues
Future dialogues Quiz
4A In 20 years' time
4A In 20 years' time Vakjes openmaken
Tenses Quiz
Tenses Quiz Quiz
Future Continuous vs Future Perfect
Future Continuous vs Future Perfect Vakjes openmaken
1B, be going to vs pres.cont.
1B, be going to vs pres.cont. Kaarten delen
Future Simple Unjumble
Future Simple Unjumble Ontwarren
What will you do tomorrow? (future simple)
What will you do tomorrow? (future simple) Kaarten delen
Future Simple make sentences
Future Simple make sentences Flash-kaarten
Future - different ways of describing
Future - different ways of describing Kaarten delen
Future tenses
Future tenses Sorteren
FUTURE CONTINUOUS Vakjes openmaken
Future continuous
Future continuous Maak de zin af
Mixed tenses
Mixed tenses Quiz
Future Perfect and Future Continuous
Future Perfect and Future Continuous Rad van fortuin
Future Continuous/Perfect/Perfect Continuous
Future Continuous/Perfect/Perfect Continuous Rad van fortuin
Future Simple Predict the future by #my_teaching_stuff
Future Simple Predict the future by #my_teaching_stuff Flash-kaarten
Future Predictions (for Adults) by my_teaching_stuff
Future Predictions (for Adults) by my_teaching_stuff Kaarten delen
FUTURE CONTINUOUS 20.02.20 Vakjes openmaken
Future meaning (will, be going to, Present continuous, Pr Simple)
Future meaning (will, be going to, Present continuous, Pr Simple) Sorteren
Spotlight 4 Module 1 Words+Continuous
Spotlight 4 Module 1 Words+Continuous Gelabelde afbeelding
Make predictions about your future. Solutions 8D
Make predictions about your future. Solutions 8D Kaarten delen
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