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Вища освіта English / ESL

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Christmas / New Year Speaking
Christmas / New Year Speaking Vakjes openmaken
Unit 8. Food Verbs
Unit 8. Food Verbs Verbinden
Unit 8. Taste (adjectives)
Unit 8. Taste (adjectives) Verbinden
Present Simple (-, s)
Present Simple (-, s) Quiz
Conditional 1
Conditional 1 Quiz
Present Simple (doesn't/do)
Present Simple (doesn't/do) Quiz
Сніжана_Question words
Сніжана_Question words Verbinden
Past Quiz
Reported Speech
Reported Speech Quiz
Talking about last holiday
Talking about last holiday Kaarten delen
Technology speaking
Technology speaking Vakjes openmaken
Christmas Idioms
Christmas Idioms Verbinden
Speakout upper intermediate/ Unit 1.2
Speakout upper intermediate/ Unit 1.2 Quiz
ING-form/Bare or Full Infinitive Questions (speaking)
ING-form/Bare or Full Infinitive Questions (speaking) Vakjes openmaken
And; But; So; Because
And; But; So; Because Rad van fortuin
Nature speaking
Nature speaking Vakjes openmaken
Warm-up Speaking 2
Warm-up Speaking 2 Rad van fortuin
Clothes B1
Clothes B1 Maak de zin af
Happiness. A2+ (6A)
Happiness. A2+ (6A) Kaarten delen
hOUSe Gelabelde afbeelding
Already VS Yet
Already VS Yet Maak de zin af
Warm-up gerund/infinitive 2
Warm-up gerund/infinitive 2 Kaarten delen
Speaking questions (adults)
Speaking questions (adults) Rad van fortuin
Commonly Confused Words_revision
Commonly Confused Words_revision Quiz
Travel & transport phrasal verbs (Destination B2)
Travel & transport phrasal verbs (Destination B2) Verbinden
Adjectives & Verbs + Prepostions
Adjectives & Verbs + Prepostions Quiz
English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives
English File Intermediate: Strong Adjectives Flash-kaarten
Phrasal verbs_Daily routines
Phrasal verbs_Daily routines Flash-kaarten
zno leader b2/ unit 9
zno leader b2/ unit 9 Verbinden
generator of sentences for Present Continuous B2 Level
generator of sentences for Present Continuous B2 Level Rad van fortuin
CLOTHES - speaking
CLOTHES - speaking Rad van fortuin
Practice 3
Practice 3 Maak de zin af
EF Elementary 2B Adjectives
EF Elementary 2B Adjectives Flash-kaarten
First Day Ice Breakers (edited)!
First Day Ice Breakers (edited)! Rad van fortuin
Feelings about future
Feelings about future Sorteren
Intensifiers - modifying comparatives
Intensifiers - modifying comparatives Sorteren
Verb patterns
Verb patterns Quiz
Stative or Dynamic verbs
Stative or Dynamic verbs Quiz
B1+ Modifying Comparatives Speaking
B1+ Modifying Comparatives Speaking Rad van fortuin
modals past
modals past Rad van fortuin
2G Describing Photos
2G Describing Photos Quiz
Futures Will / Present Simple / Present Continuous / be going to
Futures Will / Present Simple / Present Continuous / be going to Quiz
Irregular verbs UA (III)
Irregular verbs UA (III) Quiz
Conditionals Quiz
Gerund / Infinitive (speaking) B2
Gerund / Infinitive (speaking) B2 Rad van fortuin
Cleft sentences
Cleft sentences Vakjes openmaken
Outcomes El u1 (Revision)
Outcomes El u1 (Revision) Maak de zin af
Second and first conditional
Second and first conditional Quiz
Speakout upper-intermediate/ Unit 1.2
Speakout upper-intermediate/ Unit 1.2 Verbinden
Personal Characteristics (Roadmap B1 1B)
Personal Characteristics (Roadmap B1 1B) Verbinden
Conditional 2
Conditional 2 Kaarten delen
Speakout starter/ Unit 4/ Present Simple
Speakout starter/ Unit 4/ Present Simple Quiz
Relative clause Speaking
Relative clause Speaking Rad van fortuin
Speakout upper-intermediate/ Unit 1/ Personality
Speakout upper-intermediate/ Unit 1/ Personality Verbinden
ZNO LEADER B2 Plus Gelabelde afbeelding
Phrases and Collocations with "get" (speaking)
Phrases and Collocations with "get" (speaking) Vakjes openmaken
Smart Junior 3 Food
Smart Junior 3 Food Kies het antwoord
Reading 1
Reading 1 Verbinden
Outcomes Elu3p26
Outcomes Elu3p26 Verbinden
Past Simple speaking
Past Simple speaking Rad van fortuin
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?