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4 клас Family And friends 4

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FF4 Unit 4 (Possessive pronouns and adjectives)
FF4 Unit 4 (Possessive pronouns and adjectives) Quiz
FF4 Unit 2 (Past simple: have and be)
FF4 Unit 2 (Past simple: have and be) Goed of fout
FF4 Unit 1 (words)
FF4 Unit 1 (words) Kies het antwoord
FF4 Unit 1 (Present Simple/Present Continuous)
FF4 Unit 1 (Present Simple/Present Continuous) Quiz
Past Simple (+/-)
Past Simple (+/-) Quiz
FF4 Unit 2 (Past simple)
FF4 Unit 2 (Past simple) Quiz
Irregular Verbs
Irregular Verbs Quiz
At the Museum
At the Museum Anagram
Present Simple Present Continuous
Present Simple Present Continuous Sorteren
Go back to the roundabout FF4 (Unit 5)
Go back to the roundabout FF4 (Unit 5) Memory
Regular verbs
Regular verbs Quiz
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Goed of fout
Adjectives Adverbs
Adjectives Adverbs Memory
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Gelabelde afbeelding
FF4 Unit 1 (What do you like for breakfast?: Words)
FF4 Unit 1 (What do you like for breakfast?: Words) Kies het antwoord
The food here is great
The food here is great Gelabelde afbeelding
Odd one out
Odd one out Quiz
FF4 Unit 4 (Sports time cards)
FF4 Unit 4 (Sports time cards) Kaarten delen
FF4 Unit 3 (The dinosaur museum Cards)
FF4 Unit 3 (The dinosaur museum Cards) Kaarten delen
FF4 Unit 5 (Words)
FF4 Unit 5 (Words) Verbinden
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs Verbinden
FF4 Unit 3 (Dinosaur data)
FF4 Unit 3 (Dinosaur data) Goed of fout
FF4 Unit 7 (Future Simple +/-)
FF4 Unit 7 (Future Simple +/-) Kaarten delen
Hobbies Galgje
Irregular Verbs FF4
Irregular Verbs FF4 Memory
We had a concert
We had a concert Afbeeldingsquiz
FF4 Unit 5 (Shadow puppet theatre)
FF4 Unit 5 (Shadow puppet theatre) Quiz
The food here is great
The food here is great Galgje
FF4 Unit 8 - vocab
FF4 Unit 8 - vocab Quiz
FF4 Unit 3 (Irregular verbs)
FF4 Unit 3 (Irregular verbs) Rad van fortuin
FF4 Unit 4 (words: Hangman)
FF4 Unit 4 (words: Hangman) Galgje
FF4 Unit 4 (words: conveyor belt)
FF4 Unit 4 (words: conveyor belt) Kijk en onthoud
Was Were Am Is Are
Was Were Am Is Are Maak de zin af
Family and Friends Revision
Family and Friends Revision Sorteren
School Subjects
School Subjects Galgje
FF4 Unit 2 (words: conveyor belt)
FF4 Unit 2 (words: conveyor belt) Kijk en onthoud
Dinosaur Data
Dinosaur Data Verbinden
Dinosaur Data
Dinosaur Data Memory
Whose jacket is this
Whose jacket is this Gelabelde afbeelding
ABCD (Family and Friends)
ABCD (Family and Friends) Verbinden
FF4 Unit 1 (words: conveyor belt)
FF4 Unit 1 (words: conveyor belt) Kijk en onthoud
Lesson One (Family and Friends)
Lesson One (Family and Friends) Woordzoeker
Lesson Four (Family and Friends)
Lesson Four (Family and Friends) Woordzoeker
Lesson Three (Family and Friends)
Lesson Three (Family and Friends) Woordzoeker
Family and friends unit 1, to be , grammar
Family and friends unit 1, to be , grammar Quiz
Regular Irregular
Regular Irregular Sorteren
Posessives Quiz
Dinosaur Data
Dinosaur Data Woordzoeker
Breakfast Memory
FF4 unit 8
FF4 unit 8 Kies het antwoord
FF4 Unit 5
FF4 Unit 5 Kaarten delen
FF4 Unit 5 (Shadow puppet theatre: words)
FF4 Unit 5 (Shadow puppet theatre: words) Kaarten delen
FF4 Unit 5 (words: REVISION)
FF4 Unit 5 (words: REVISION) Vakjes openmaken
Time markers
Time markers Memory
Food containers
Food containers Memory
Present vs Past
Present vs Past Verbinden
Museum Draaitegels
Posessives Quiz
F&F3 Unit 12 and/or/but
F&F3 Unit 12 and/or/but Quiz
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