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English / ESL A1 general practice

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To be: questions (Project 1)
To be: questions (Project 1) Vakjes openmaken
Vocabulary B1 Feelings ed /ing
Vocabulary B1 Feelings ed /ing Quiz
Roadmap B1 Life maps
Roadmap B1 Life maps Flash-kaarten
Narrative tenses - questions
Narrative tenses - questions Kaarten delen
Roadmap A2+ Present Continuous for future arrangements.
Roadmap A2+ Present Continuous for future arrangements. Kaarten delen
Conversation starter Roadmap  Unit 1-5 A2
Conversation starter Roadmap Unit 1-5 A2 Vakjes openmaken
Roadmap B1 Unit 3B Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous
Roadmap B1 Unit 3B Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
Comparatives B1 Compare two things
Comparatives B1 Compare two things Kaarten delen
Advanced passive forms speaking
Advanced passive forms speaking Kaarten delen
PE5 Indirect Questions EF Int
PE5 Indirect Questions EF Int Maak de zin af
Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs Maak de zin af
Question words Roadmap A1
Question words Roadmap A1 Quiz
modals of deduction present
modals of deduction present Kaarten delen
Family and friends 3 Unit 3 My things
Family and friends 3 Unit 3 My things Anagram
Present Simple (I do) or the Present Continuous (I am doing) Oxford Practice Grammar Basic Unit 7 Ex.A
Present Simple (I do) or the Present Continuous (I am doing) Oxford Practice Grammar Basic Unit 7 Ex.A Quiz
Speak Out Elementary Places Unit 6
Speak Out Elementary Places Unit 6 Kaarten delen
Enflish File. Elementary. Unit 5C. Speaking. Present Simple/ Continuous
Enflish File. Elementary. Unit 5C. Speaking. Present Simple/ Continuous Kaarten delen
Conversation starter  Successful people
Conversation starter Successful people Kaarten delen
Roadmap A2 Put 2-3 questions about the topic
Roadmap A2 Put 2-3 questions about the topic Kaarten delen
Roadmap A2+ Unit 4B Organizing events Vocabulary
Roadmap A2+ Unit 4B Organizing events Vocabulary Quiz
Grammar so/such, too/ (not) enough
Grammar so/such, too/ (not) enough Quiz
Preposition phrases Roadmap A2 Unit 6A Events
Preposition phrases Roadmap A2 Unit 6A Events Sorteren
English File Elementary. Unit 7B
English File Elementary. Unit 7B Verbinden
Rooadmap A1-A2 Unit 6C Vocabulary
Rooadmap A1-A2 Unit 6C Vocabulary Quiz
Roadmap A2 plus Unit 1A, Make up a question
Roadmap A2 plus Unit 1A, Make up a question Kaarten delen
He, She, It, They
He, She, It, They Quiz
Roadmap A2+ Unit 2B You are never too old
Roadmap A2+ Unit 2B You are never too old Ontwarren
Roadmap B1 1A Vocabulary (Dependent prepositions
Roadmap B1 1A Vocabulary (Dependent prepositions Sorteren
Roadmap A2+ Unit 4A Word order want' would like and be going to
Roadmap A2+ Unit 4A Word order want' would like and be going to Ontwarren
Roadmap B1+ Conversation starter Unit 1B Place to live
Roadmap B1+ Conversation starter Unit 1B Place to live Kaarten delen
RM A1. 1A-1C countries & nationalities
RM A1. 1A-1C countries & nationalities Galgje
Domestic animals BASIC English A1
Domestic animals BASIC English A1 Verbinden
Być Maak de zin af
Warm-up for A1 learners
Warm-up for A1 learners Rad van fortuin
Wiederholung. Kapitel 2. Klasse! A1
Wiederholung. Kapitel 2. Klasse! A1 Vakjes openmaken
Jobs A1
Jobs A1 Kaarten delen
Conversation starter B1 Roadmap Unit 3B Present Perfect Continuous
Conversation starter B1 Roadmap Unit 3B Present Perfect Continuous Vakjes openmaken
Conversation starter Comparatives B1
Conversation starter Comparatives B1 Kaarten delen
Position of adjectives A2
Position of adjectives A2 Ontwarren
Roadmap A2+ 4A Special Days Vocabulary
Roadmap A2+ 4A Special Days Vocabulary Verbinden
Conversation starter Friendship B1
Conversation starter Friendship B1 Kaarten delen
RM A1. 1A countries
RM A1. 1A countries Quiz
Object pronouns practice
Object pronouns practice Quiz
High Fly 4. Vocabulary (lessons 1-5)
High Fly 4. Vocabulary (lessons 1-5) Woordzoeker
Future forms practice
Future forms practice Maak de zin af
Irregular verbs. Practice. Part 1
Irregular verbs. Practice. Part 1 Kaarten delen
Roadmap 1B Jobs
Roadmap 1B Jobs Flash-kaarten
Roadmap A1 (Unit 1a)
Roadmap A1 (Unit 1a) Flash-kaarten
Whose/ Possessive's
Whose/ Possessive's Flash-kaarten
Wetter Kies het antwoord
Roadmap A1 (3A. My town)
Roadmap A1 (3A. My town) Verbinden
Holiday problems
Holiday problems Anagram
Roadmap A1 (revision units 7-10)
Roadmap A1 (revision units 7-10) Vakjes openmaken
Gold experience A1. Jobs
Gold experience A1. Jobs Flash-kaarten
Speakout A1 Unit 1B Jobs
Speakout A1 Unit 1B Jobs Verbinden
Solutions elementary/ Unit 1/ Family
Solutions elementary/ Unit 1/ Family Verbinden
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?