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Reading Comprehension

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10.000+ resultaten voor 'reading comprehension'

Reading CVC
Reading CVC Verbinden
This that these those
This that these those Quiz
 reading wh
reading wh Kaarten delen
Long and short a
Long and short a Sorteren
th reading
th reading Kaarten delen
cvc "o" words
cvc "o" words Kaarten delen
Go Getter 2 unit 6
Go Getter 2 unit 6 Gelabelde afbeelding
 Reading "ea/ee"
Reading "ea/ee" Sorteren
Long Vowels (magic "e")
Long Vowels (magic "e") Sorteren
Phonics A/Short A/ Long A/A+R
Phonics A/Short A/ Long A/A+R Sorteren
"th" sounds "z"
"th" sounds "z" Kaarten delen
Reading -sh-
Reading -sh- Kaarten delen
ch reading
ch reading Kaarten delen
Beginning Sound CVC words (a,i,o,u)
Beginning Sound CVC words (a,i,o,u) Quiz
 Open syllable / Closed syllable Sort
Open syllable / Closed syllable Sort Sorteren
short/long a
short/long a Kaarten delen
1st form Reading cards #2
1st form Reading cards #2 Kaarten delen
Reading (cvc і)
Reading (cvc і) Kaarten delen
cvc "e" words
cvc "e" words Kaarten delen
Smart Junior 4. Module 4. Food Blog
Smart Junior 4. Module 4. Food Blog Maak de zin af
sh/th Sorteren
cvc "u" words
cvc "u" words Vakjes openmaken
 reading -igh
reading -igh Rad van fortuin
OP 3 reading a and i
OP 3 reading a and i Verbinden
 Pnonics - Sh
Pnonics - Sh Vakjes openmaken
Reading Comprehension. Eating out
Reading Comprehension. Eating out Maak de zin af
Reading CVC  (a)
Reading CVC (a) Verbinden
Diagraph -ee reading
Diagraph -ee reading Verbinden
places Verbinden
School things. Labelled diagram
School things. Labelled diagram Gelabelde afbeelding
He, She, It, They
He, She, It, They Quiz
He / She is wearing .....
He / She is wearing ..... Kies het antwoord
Reading. Quiz
Silent W (in WR)
Silent W (in WR) Kaarten delen
Silent T
Silent T Kaarten delen
Reading Sorteren
Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Reading.
Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Reading. Maak de zin af
READING Rad van fortuin
reading Kaarten delen
Reading Vakjes openmaken
Reading Vakjes openmaken
Reading voiced TH
Reading voiced TH Kaarten delen
reading Rad van fortuin
Ziggy and  the Fly
Ziggy and the Fly Sorteren
words with short "u"
words with short "u" Anagram
cvc "i" words
cvc "i" words Vakjes openmaken
Fly High 1.  Food
Fly High 1. Food Quiz
Reading e,o,i,t,n,p,s,m
Reading e,o,i,t,n,p,s,m Kaarten delen
Reading "ir", "ur", "er"
Reading "ir", "ur", "er" Kaarten delen
am\is Maak de zin af
Reading long vowels (a _e, i_e, o_e, u_e)
Reading long vowels (a _e, i_e, o_e, u_e) Kies het antwoord
Reading -ear, -air, -ere
Reading -ear, -air, -ere Kaarten delen
Smart Junior 2 . Reading
Smart Junior 2 . Reading Quiz
Santa's adventure
Santa's adventure Gelabelde afbeelding
SJ 2. Clothes
SJ 2. Clothes Quiz
Clothes. I'm wearing ... (Karpiuk 2, NUS)
Clothes. I'm wearing ... (Karpiuk 2, NUS) Gelabelde afbeelding
Smart Junior 2. Module 7(like/don't like)
Smart Junior 2. Module 7(like/don't like) Quiz
reading Kaarten delen
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