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Word formation

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10.000+ resultaten voor 'word formation'

Word formation (Noun suffixes - ness, -ment, -ion, -ation)
Word formation (Noun suffixes - ness, -ment, -ion, -ation) Sorteren
S3e PI U3E Negative prefixes
S3e PI U3E Negative prefixes Sorteren
Adjective Suffixes
Adjective Suffixes Sorteren
Solutions Interm Unit 6 Forming nouns from adjectives
Solutions Interm Unit 6 Forming nouns from adjectives Sorteren
Word formation
Word formation Maak de zin af
Word Formation (Personality adjectives)
Word Formation (Personality adjectives) Kaarten delen
 FCE Word Formation 2
FCE Word Formation 2 Vakjes openmaken
word formation
word formation Kaarten delen
Nationalities (Focus 1, U0)
Nationalities (Focus 1, U0) Sorteren
Questions order
Questions order Ontwarren
Word Formation Speakout Pre-Intermediate
Word Formation Speakout Pre-Intermediate Flash-kaarten
ZNO L8 Word formation
ZNO L8 Word formation Vakjes openmaken
Special questions, Present Simple
Special questions, Present Simple Ontwarren
word formation
word formation Draaitegels
BEP3 Unit 5 Word Order: was, were, wasn't, weren't
BEP3 Unit 5 Word Order: was, were, wasn't, weren't Ontwarren
Prepare 3, Units 5-8 review: Word order
Prepare 3, Units 5-8 review: Word order Ontwarren
Word order (time expressions of the Present Simple +)
Word order (time expressions of the Present Simple +) Ontwarren
Word Formation B1 02
Word Formation B1 02 Vakjes openmaken
Roadmap A2 plus Unit 1A, Make up a question
Roadmap A2 plus Unit 1A, Make up a question Kaarten delen
word order
word order Woordmagneten
Warm up animals
Warm up animals Woordmagneten
Complete the questions (AmEF2)
Complete the questions (AmEF2) Maak de zin af
Roadmap A2 Put 2-3 questions about the topic
Roadmap A2 Put 2-3 questions about the topic Kaarten delen
Word order (adverbs of frequency)
Word order (adverbs of frequency) Ontwarren
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