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A2 esame cils

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1.767 resultaten voor 'a2 esame cils'

DOMANDE PER ESAME Rad van fortuin
PRESENT CONTINUOUS (A2) Vakjes openmaken
GOING TO (A2) Vakjes openmaken
Imperativ „du", „Sie", „ihr" - A1
Imperativ „du", „Sie", „ihr" - A1 Sorteren
Speaking A2
Speaking A2 Rad van fortuin
Perfekt mit „haben" oder „sein"?
Perfekt mit „haben" oder „sein"? Ontwarren
Komparativ und Superlativ von Adjektiven
Komparativ und Superlativ von Adjektiven Maak de zin af
Personalpronomen im Akkusativ - A1
Personalpronomen im Akkusativ - A1 Quiz
Countable/uncountable Quiz
A2 - Vocabulary | School subjects - Recall quiz
A2 - Vocabulary | School subjects - Recall quiz Flash-kaarten
A2 - Past simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 1
A2 - Past simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 1 Draaitegels
A2 - Past Simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 2
A2 - Past Simple verbs | Regular or irregular? 2 Sorteren
PLACES (A2) Verbinden
Esame orale italiano CILS A2
Esame orale italiano CILS A2 Rad van fortuin
A2 3.2 Irregular Preterite
A2 3.2 Irregular Preterite Ballonnen
When was the last time you...?
When was the last time you...? Kaarten delen
Places in a town 2
Places in a town 2 Verbinden
Classroom language
Classroom language Draaitegels
Places in a town 4
Places in a town 4 Quiz
A2 - Tell me more!
A2 - Tell me more! Kaarten delen
Breakfast 4 - quiz
Breakfast 4 - quiz Quiz
Things for a trip
Things for a trip Gelabelde afbeelding
 I Vestiti
I Vestiti Quiz
Delf A2: production orale
Delf A2: production orale Vakjes openmaken
Frasi (A1, A2)
Frasi (A1, A2) Ontwarren
A2 - Grammar Auction - comparatives and superlatives
A2 - Grammar Auction - comparatives and superlatives Quiz winnen of verliezen
QUESTIONS IN THE PAST (A2) Vakjes openmaken
Talk about...
Talk about... Kaarten delen
Places in a town 1
Places in a town 1 Kaarten delen
Präteritum - Was passt?
Präteritum - Was passt? Verbinden
Possessivartikel „sein" und „ihr" (Nom und Akk)
Possessivartikel „sein" und „ihr" (Nom und Akk) Quiz
A2 4.1 Preterite vs Imperfect
A2 4.1 Preterite vs Imperfect Kies het antwoord
English Class A2+ (A2 Plus) - Unit 5 - all words mixed - pt7
English Class A2+ (A2 Plus) - Unit 5 - all words mixed - pt7 Kies het antwoord
Modalverben im Präteritum - A2
Modalverben im Präteritum - A2 Ontwarren
Solutions Pre-Intermediate 3rd - 4A - Weather - Image Quiz
Solutions Pre-Intermediate 3rd - 4A - Weather - Image Quiz Afbeeldingsquiz
Adverbs of manner 4
Adverbs of manner 4 Anagram
Present Simple he she it +s ending (A1/A2)
Present Simple he she it +s ending (A1/A2) Quiz
Condizionale presente o passato?
Condizionale presente o passato? Maak de zin af
Containers 3
Containers 3 Kaarten delen
Containers 4
Containers 4 Flash-kaarten
Adverbs of manner 3
Adverbs of manner 3 Verbinden
Food: meat, carbohydrates and vegetables
Food: meat, carbohydrates and vegetables Verbinden
Indirekte W-Fragen - L16 - MS2
Indirekte W-Fragen - L16 - MS2 Quiz
 „haben" + Partizip II = Perfekt mit „haben"
„haben" + Partizip II = Perfekt mit „haben" Ontwarren
Family Gelabelde afbeelding
Classroom objects
Classroom objects Anagram
Places and things
Places and things Kaarten delen
Przypadki Rad van fortuin
I Pronomi combinati
I Pronomi combinati Quiz
Le domande principali A1
Le domande principali A1 Rad van fortuin
Personalpronomen Akkusativ oder Dativ?
Personalpronomen Akkusativ oder Dativ? Maak de zin af
Telling time bingo
Telling time bingo Kaarten delen
A2 - Preposition snap (at/in/on - time)
A2 - Preposition snap (at/in/on - time) Flash-kaarten
New Yellow Flash - A2 - OURxTHEIR
New Yellow Flash - A2 - OURxTHEIR Quiz
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?