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339 resultaten voor 'beginners'

Times of day / time
Times of day / time Sorteren
Time Ballonnen
Present Continuous (T/F) (new)
Present Continuous (T/F) (new) Goed of fout
Going to
Going to Galgje
Going to - Questions
Going to - Questions Rad van fortuin
Going to questions
Going to questions Ontwarren
Wh questions - past of be
Wh questions - past of be Whack-a-mole
Exercising Goed of fout
Questions with was/were
Questions with was/were Rad van fortuin
Let's get to know each other!
Let's get to know each other! Rad van fortuin
Wh questions - Simple present
Wh questions - Simple present Ontwarren
Wh - questions
Wh - questions Kies het antwoord
Grammar Review Midterm - 2A
Grammar Review Midterm - 2A Vakjes openmaken
Past simple x Present Perfect
Past simple x Present Perfect Quiz
False Friends
False Friends Goed of fout
Present Continuous - Questions (new)
Present Continuous - Questions (new) Quiz
Simple present questions with I/we/you
Simple present questions with I/we/you Rad van fortuin
My home
My home Woordzoeker
Sports Vocabulary
Sports Vocabulary Kruiswoordpuzzel
Spelling names
Spelling names Kaarten delen
Simple present
Simple present Galgje
Musical terms for beginners -1
Musical terms for beginners -1 Verbinden
Grammar Review G&W 2A
Grammar Review G&W 2A Maak de zin af
Using Technology
Using Technology Kies het antwoord
Tell me about your name
Tell me about your name Vakjes openmaken
Essay writing for beginners
Essay writing for beginners Verbinden
Furniture Wordsearch
Furniture Wordsearch Woordzoeker
Expressions with Do, have, and make.
Expressions with Do, have, and make. Vakjes openmaken
An owl says whoooooo
An owl says whoooooo Rad van fortuin
Quiz - Clothing
Quiz - Clothing Quiz
Basic Greeting in Cantonese
Basic Greeting in Cantonese Verbinden
Can you questions
Can you questions Kaarten delen
Tagesablauf Ontwarren
Reading comprehension beginners
Reading comprehension beginners Gameshow quiz
False Friends
False Friends Rad van fortuin
Easy text - Beginner
Easy text - Beginner Maak de zin af
What's in your bag?
What's in your bag? Woordzoeker
Foods and drinks
Foods and drinks Kruiswoordpuzzel
What X Who (questions)
What X Who (questions) Quiz
Unscrumble Ontwarren
Beginners Rad van fortuin
A1 - Numbers 1 - 20
A1 - Numbers 1 - 20 Galgje
Irregular Verbs 1 - 24
Irregular Verbs 1 - 24 Quiz
What's the matter?
What's the matter? Goed of fout
Clothes Quiz
ew/ng Kaarten delen
What is it?
What is it? Gameshow quiz
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?