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Jewish prayer

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933 resultaten voor 'jewish prayer'

The Wheel of Jewish Questions
The Wheel of Jewish Questions Rad van fortuin
Hatikvah Order
Hatikvah Order Rangschikken
Hatikvah Word Match Up
Hatikvah Word Match Up Verbinden
V'ahavta - jumble word by word
V'ahavta - jumble word by word Anagram
Baruch She'amar - Anagram
Baruch She'amar - Anagram Anagram
Hatikvah match the word meaning
Hatikvah match the word meaning Kies het antwoord
Shema Words
Shema Words Rad van fortuin
Barchu Meanings
Barchu Meanings Gelabelde afbeelding
Torah Service Shema
Torah Service Shema Kies het antwoord
Adon Olam
Adon Olam Anagram
Hatikvah first verse - put in word order - Hebrew only
Hatikvah first verse - put in word order - Hebrew only Rangschikken
Barchu Shema Bingo
Barchu Shema Bingo Rad van fortuin
Assessment 1 Hebrew Letter Review
Assessment 1 Hebrew Letter Review Quiz
Barchu Vs. Baruch
Barchu Vs. Baruch Whack-a-mole
How Much Do You Know about Israel?
How Much Do You Know about Israel? Gameshow quiz
Yotzer Or Meanings
Yotzer Or Meanings Ballonnen
Barchu Ontwarren
Barchu Word Review
Barchu Word Review Vakjes openmaken
Mi Chamocha Prayer Jumble
Mi Chamocha Prayer Jumble Ontwarren
Ashrei Ontwarren
L'dor Vador Word Practice
L'dor Vador Word Practice Vakjes openmaken
Ashrei Verbinden
Nism B'chol Yom-English/Hebrew word Match
Nism B'chol Yom-English/Hebrew word Match Verbinden
Tu Bishvat
Tu Bishvat Maak de zin af
Order the Jewish Holidays
Order the Jewish Holidays Rangschikken
Jewish Symbols
Jewish Symbols Ballonnen
Sh'ma & V'Ahavta fill in the blanks
Sh'ma & V'Ahavta fill in the blanks Quiz
How well do you know Sukkot?
How well do you know Sukkot? Quiz
Jerusalem Day
Jerusalem Day Goed of fout
Hebrew letter quiz
Hebrew letter quiz Quiz
Ma'ariv Aravim/Yotzer Or
Ma'ariv Aravim/Yotzer Or Quiz
Passover Symbols
Passover Symbols Ballonnen
G'vurot: Words and prayer
G'vurot: Words and prayer Quiz
V'Ahavta missing words
V'Ahavta missing words Maak de zin af
Sukkot quiz show
Sukkot quiz show Gameshow quiz
Kedusha Rangschikken
My Prayer
My Prayer Kies het antwoord
Purim Word Search
Purim Word Search Woordzoeker
Purim Symbols
Purim Symbols Ballonnen
Nisim B’chol Yom
Nisim B’chol Yom Kies het antwoord
Prayerobics Verbinden
חנוכה Whack-a-mole
kedusha Ballonnen
The Purim Story
The Purim Story Rangschikken
Find Ldor Vador Words
Find Ldor Vador Words Whack-a-mole
Root the Find בּ־ר־כ
Root the Find בּ־ר־כ Sorteren
Avot Descriptions of God
Avot Descriptions of God Vakjes openmaken
Holiday Name Flashcards Hebrew
Holiday Name Flashcards Hebrew Draaitegels
Jewish Trivia
Jewish Trivia Gameshow quiz
Jewish Studies
Jewish Studies Verbinden
Oh Vs OO sounds
Oh Vs OO sounds Sorteren
Passover Blessing Match
Passover Blessing Match Verbinden
Hebrew Letter and Vowel Review
Hebrew Letter and Vowel Review Labyrint
Passover Vocabulary (D'rash)
Passover Vocabulary (D'rash) Verbinden
Purim Vocabulary (D'rash)
Purim Vocabulary (D'rash) Verbinden
Yamim Noraim and their Season
Yamim Noraim and their Season Labyrint
Chanukah Symbols
Chanukah Symbols Ballonnen
Purim Memory
Torah Blessings Word Sort
Torah Blessings Word Sort Anagram
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