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Klasa 5 język polski

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Steps Plus - V - Unit 2 - My school - Misc
Steps Plus - V - Unit 2 - My school - Misc Maak de zin af
Poćwiczyć ze mną czytanie
Poćwiczyć ze mną czytanie Vakjes openmaken
znajdz definicje
znajdz definicje Verbinden
Steps Plus - V - Unit 2 - My school - Vocabulary practice
Steps Plus - V - Unit 2 - My school - Vocabulary practice Anagram
Suffix Review Barton Level 5 Lesson 5 (5.5)
Suffix Review Barton Level 5 Lesson 5 (5.5) Quiz
Czasownik MIESZKAĆ
Czasownik MIESZKAĆ Verbinden
Space Kaarten delen
/s/ words all positions woozle game
/s/ words all positions woozle game Vakjes openmaken
Jaki to rodzaj?
Jaki to rodzaj? Quiz
Barton 5.2 Unscamble
Barton 5.2 Unscamble Ontwarren
am/an sort
am/an sort Sorteren
Barton 5.1 Phrases Quiz
Barton 5.1 Phrases Quiz Gameshow quiz
/ch/ Initial Words Woozle Game
/ch/ Initial Words Woozle Game Vakjes openmaken
5.1 Maze Chase
5.1 Maze Chase Labyrint
Zaimki osobowe w narzędniku
Zaimki osobowe w narzędniku Quiz
5.1 S v ES group sort
5.1 S v ES group sort Sorteren
5.4   -t v -ed
5.4 -t v -ed Quiz
SH Hangman
SH Hangman Galgje
/sh/ words all positions Woozle game
/sh/ words all positions Woozle game Vakjes openmaken
5.5 Suffix Meaning
5.5 Suffix Meaning Quiz
/s-blends/ Woozle game
/s-blends/ Woozle game Vakjes openmaken
Short vowels
Short vowels Sorteren
Barton 5.1 What's the Baseword?
Barton 5.1 What's the Baseword? Rad van fortuin
Barton 5.1 Unscramble
Barton 5.1 Unscramble Ontwarren
b vs. d
b vs. d Sorteren
5 Posttest Double Change Rule
5 Posttest Double Change Rule Sorteren
L Words Gameshow All Positions
L Words Gameshow All Positions Gameshow quiz
tryby czasownika
tryby czasownika Quiz
Fundations Unit 2 Level 5 Trick Words
Fundations Unit 2 Level 5 Trick Words Anagram
liczby rzymskie powtorzenie 1cz
liczby rzymskie powtorzenie 1cz Verbinden
S or ES Sort Barton Level 5.1
S or ES Sort Barton Level 5.1 Sorteren
Barton Level 5 Rule REVIEW
Barton Level 5 Rule REVIEW Quiz
Barton Level 5 Lesson 1-9 FUNNY ANIMAL BOOM!
Barton Level 5 Lesson 1-9 FUNNY ANIMAL BOOM! Kaarten delen
Choose ic or ick
Choose ic or ick Quiz
Prefix Definition Review--Barton Level 5
Prefix Definition Review--Barton Level 5 Quiz
Articles (a, an, the)
Articles (a, an, the) Quiz
Adding suffixes:  Change Rule
Adding suffixes: Change Rule Whack-a-mole
Step 1.4
Step 1.4 Maak de zin af
The Solar System
The Solar System Kaarten delen
4'ws Sorteren
5.7 -tion vs. -sion
5.7 -tion vs. -sion Gameshow quiz
/L/ initial Words Woozle Game
/L/ initial Words Woozle Game Vakjes openmaken
/L/ words all positions Woozle game
/L/ words all positions Woozle game Vakjes openmaken
ALL Whack-a-mole
5.3 quiz
5.3 quiz Kies het antwoord
5.3 sentences
5.3 sentences Quiz
Barton 5.5 sight word Practice
Barton 5.5 sight word Practice Galgje
Wilson 5.4 Hangman
Wilson 5.4 Hangman Galgje
5.5 Word Sort
5.5 Word Sort Sorteren
Syllable Review
Syllable Review Sorteren
Jungle Snap Words 5
Jungle Snap Words 5 Kaarten delen
Make a sentence
Make a sentence Maak de zin af
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?