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2.140 resultaten voor 'people'

Describing the appearance
Describing the appearance Gelabelde afbeelding
Describing personality
Describing personality Kies het antwoord
Describing appearance
Describing appearance Verbinden
People - adjectives
People - adjectives Kies het antwoord
Adjectives - People
Adjectives - People Verbinden
covid 19 hangman
covid 19 hangman Galgje
would you rather
would you rather Kaarten delen
Describing People
Describing People Vakjes openmaken
Describe people
Describe people Kies het antwoord
Describing People
Describing People Quiz
Describing people
Describing people Sorteren
Harris24 Labyrint
People of the American Colonies
People of the American Colonies Verbinden
Describe the people
Describe the people Kaarten delen
VOCAB - PEOPLE: Clothes & accessories
VOCAB - PEOPLE: Clothes & accessories Verbinden
Historical People
Historical People Verbinden
Famous people.
Famous people. Kaarten delen
describing people
describing people Gameshow quiz
Idioms that describe people 2
Idioms that describe people 2 Verbinden
People, place, or thing? 1H
People, place, or thing? 1H Sorteren
Community People, Places, and Things (Sort)
Community People, Places, and Things (Sort) Sorteren
Greeting People
Greeting People Maak de zin af
Inviting people
Inviting people Rangschikken
Famous People
Famous People Kaarten delen
Careers: Do These People Enjoy Their Jobs?
Careers: Do These People Enjoy Their Jobs? Whack-a-mole
True or false
True or false Labyrint
How many snow people?
How many snow people? Rad van fortuin
Clothes: famous people
Clothes: famous people Quiz
people at school
people at school Vakjes openmaken
AMONG US Quiz Gameshow quiz
People of the Civil War
People of the Civil War Labyrint
People of the American Revolution
People of the American Revolution Verbinden
People of the American Revolution
People of the American Revolution Labyrint
What do these people do for jobs?
What do these people do for jobs? Vakjes openmaken
A Few Key People of the War of 1812
A Few Key People of the War of 1812 Verbinden
Key People from the Roaring 20s
Key People from the Roaring 20s Verbinden
Describing people
Describing people Verbinden
People / لوگ
People / لوگ Kies het antwoord
Describing people
Describing people Gameshow quiz
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?