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Preschool fis

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461 resultaten voor 'preschool fis'

FIS 01-04 Sound Review
FIS 01-04 Sound Review Memory
FIS 01 /m/
FIS 01 /m/ Whack-a-mole
FIS 10 /d/
FIS 10 /d/ Whack-a-mole
FIS 01-12 Letter/Sound Consonants
FIS 01-12 Letter/Sound Consonants Gameshow quiz
FIS 01-05 Sound Review
FIS 01-05 Sound Review Sorteren
FIS 04 /k/ /g/
FIS 04 /k/ /g/ Vakjes openmaken
FIS - /m/
FIS - /m/ Quiz
FIS 11 /ch/
FIS 11 /ch/ Whack-a-mole
FIS 11 /j/
FIS 11 /j/ Whack-a-mole
FIS 01-05 Sound Review
FIS 01-05 Sound Review Memory
FIS 09-12 Letter/Sound
FIS 09-12 Letter/Sound Galgje
FIS 12 /p/
FIS 12 /p/ Whack-a-mole
FIS 09-12 Letter/Sound
FIS 09-12 Letter/Sound Memory
Number Wheel
Number Wheel Rad van fortuin
Shape Spinner
Shape Spinner Rad van fortuin
Silabas con A
Silabas con A Rad van fortuin
ABC sort
ABC sort Sorteren
Leaf Sorting
Leaf Sorting Sorteren
FIS/Barton short vowel review
FIS/Barton short vowel review Verbinden
FIS - /n/
FIS - /n/ Quiz
FIS m,n,f,v,k,g,th
FIS m,n,f,v,k,g,th Woordzoeker
Guess the picture that begins with /s/.
Guess the picture that begins with /s/. Afbeeldingsquiz
St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day Quiz
Colors Rad van fortuin
Emotions Vakjes openmaken
Beginning Sounds BOOM!
Beginning Sounds BOOM! Kaarten delen
 FIS /k/ and /g/ sort
FIS /k/ and /g/ sort Sorteren
FIS 05 /s/ /sh/
FIS 05 /s/ /sh/ Rad van fortuin
FIS 09 /l/
FIS 09 /l/ Whack-a-mole
FIS 09 /l/ /r/
FIS 09 /l/ /r/ Sorteren
FIS 04 /k/ /g/
FIS 04 /k/ /g/ Sorteren
actions with numbers
actions with numbers Kaarten delen
Initial Letter sounds
Initial Letter sounds Kaarten delen
FIS 01-05 Letter/Sound
FIS 01-05 Letter/Sound Gameshow quiz
Figuras Geometricas
Figuras Geometricas Ballonnen
Insect/Bug Word & Picture Matching
Insect/Bug Word & Picture Matching Vakjes openmaken
Random number printing wheel 1-5
Random number printing wheel 1-5 Rad van fortuin
2d Shapes
2d Shapes Kaarten delen
FIS 01-05 Letter/Sound
FIS 01-05 Letter/Sound Memory
Las Silabas con A
Las Silabas con A Whack-a-mole
FIS 02 /f/ /v/
FIS 02 /f/ /v/ Sorteren
FIS 04 /k/ /g/
FIS 04 /k/ /g/ Whack-a-mole
FIS 04 /k/ /g/
FIS 04 /k/ /g/ Kaarten delen
FIS 10 /t/
FIS 10 /t/ Whack-a-mole
preschool Kies het antwoord
FIS 04 /k/ /g/
FIS 04 /k/ /g/ Rad van fortuin
FIS 12 /b/
FIS 12 /b/ Whack-a-mole
Vehicles Rad van fortuin
Counting & Number Identification
Counting & Number Identification Kies het antwoord
Automatisch opgeslagen activiteit "" herstellen?