Intermediate speaking
Eksempler fra fellesskapet vårt
10 000+ resultater for intermediate speaking
4A Me and my opinions
Tilfeldig hjul
Talk About - Speaking
Tilfeldig hjul
4B Tell us about ...
Tilfeldige kort
5B Past and Present
Tilfeldig hjul
4A In 20 years' time
Tilfeldige kort
5A Second Conditional - Speaking
Åpne boksen
5A Third Conditional
Tilfeldig hjul
Speaking: You and your phone
Tilfeldige kort
Tilfeldige kort
Half-minute topics
Tilfeldig hjul
Talking About Music
Tilfeldig hjul
Second Conditional - Speaking Activity (B1-B2)
Tilfeldig hjul
Used to, be used to, get used to - Speaking Activity (B2)
Tilfeldig hjul
Ext 2 - L 2 Speaking
Tilfeldige kort
Conversation questions - traveling
Tilfeldige kort
Burning Questions - Speaking Activity (A2)
Tilfeldig hjul
What is your story? - Speaking Activity (All Levels)
Tilfeldig hjul
Intermediate 2 Speaking Test
Tilfeldige kort
What would you do? (in this situation)
Tilfeldige kort
Conversation Openers - Sentences to help one speak about oneself
Tilfeldige kort
Speak for a minute
Åpne boksen
Speaking time: Conversation Starters
Tilfeldig hjul
Talking about life B2-C1
Tilfeldige kort
Shopping vocabulary + Present perfect - Pre-intermediate
Tilfeldige kort
6C Talk About it
Tilfeldige kort
Have you ever ... ?
Tilfeldige kort
Clauses of Purpose - Speaking Activity (B2)
Åpne boksen
Should/Shouldn't - Speaking Activity (A2)
Tilfeldig hjul
Gerunds and Infinitives - Speaking Activity (B2)
Åpne boksen
Classroom language
Used To - Speaking Activity (A2)
Tilfeldig hjul
Survival Questions - Speaking Activity (B2)
Åpne boksen
Past Modals - Speaking Activity (B2)
Tilfeldig hjul
School Materials
Present Simple - Speaking Activity (B1)
Tilfeldig hjul
Culinary Arts - Speaking Activity (A2)
Tilfeldig hjul
Past Simple VS Present Perfect- Speaking Activity (B2)
Tilfeldig hjul
Would Rather - Speaking Activity (B2)
Tilfeldig hjul
Quiz King
Passive Voice (All Tenses) - Speaking Activity
Tilfeldig hjul
12A Past Perfect
Tilfeldig hjul
Tilfeldig hjul
Will - Speaking
Åpne boksen
Åpne boksen
Conversation questions about News and Fake News
Åpne boksen
2A Money - Vocabulary
Finn treffet
Present Continuous
Vend fliser
Speaking - Conversation about gossip and rumors
Vend fliser
Speaking with phrasal verbs
Tilfeldige kort
Money Vocabulary - Speaking | AEF L3 U2B
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