
Mathematics Grades k 3 number patterns

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10 000+ resultater for maths grades k 3 number patterns

Counting by 2's
Counting by 2's Løse opp
How Many?
How Many? Spørrelek
Match the number to number names 1 to 20.
Match the number to number names 1 to 20. Samsvarende par
Measuring Capacity
Measuring Capacity Quiz for spillshow
Living and Non-Living Things
Living and Non-Living Things Gruppe sortering
Parts of the body
Parts of the body Merket diagram
Addition 1 - 10
Addition 1 - 10 Finn treffet
Counting 1 - 20
Counting 1 - 20 Spørrelek
Feelings and Emotions
Feelings and Emotions Spørrelek
Time Spørrelek
Match the correct time.
Match the correct time. Samsvarende par
Time - Mixed Questions
Time - Mixed Questions Spørrelek
Label the plant
Label the plant Merket diagram
Number Sense: Number Names
Number Sense: Number Names Samsvarende par
Solar System
Solar System Spørrelek
Place Value - Tens and Ones
Place Value - Tens and Ones Spørrelek
Take away fun picnic!
Take away fun picnic! Match opp
Days of the week
Days of the week Løse opp
Times table
Times table Labyrintjakt
Tally it up!!!
Tally it up!!! Quiz for spillshow
Two - digit Numbers
Two - digit Numbers Spørrelek
Number Lines
Number Lines Fullfør setningen
Number Patterns
Number Patterns Quiz for spillshow
3D Shapes - Quiz
3D Shapes - Quiz Spørrelek
Bonds to 100 - any number
Bonds to 100 - any number Spørrelek
Measurement- Temperature
Measurement- Temperature Gruppe sortering
Spring: Mother and baby
Spring: Mother and baby Finn treffet
Engage Task: Mental Maths Quiz (Mixed Topics)
Engage Task: Mental Maths Quiz (Mixed Topics) Spørrelek
Counting/subitising/number recognition to 5. What do you see? How many? Select the correct number.
Counting/subitising/number recognition to 5. What do you see? How many? Select the correct number. Spørrelek
Bar Graph Questions
Bar Graph Questions Spørrelek
Odd and Even Numbers
Odd and Even Numbers Gruppe sortering
Place Value Balloon Pop
Place Value Balloon Pop Ballong pop
Subject and Verb Agreement 2.0
Subject and Verb Agreement 2.0 Fullfør setningen
Partitioning Match opp
Animal Habitat
Animal Habitat Match opp
Simon Says: Make the facial expression or show the body language.
Simon Says: Make the facial expression or show the body language. Tilfeldig hjul
Time (Analog and Digital)
Time (Analog and Digital) Finn treffet
Counting Quiz for spillshow
Mammals and Reptiles - True or False
Mammals and Reptiles - True or False Sann eller usann
Mental addition strategy: compensating. Round up numbers like 19 to an 'easy' 20, add it on, then subtract 1 from total.
Mental addition strategy: compensating. Round up numbers like 19 to an 'easy' 20, add it on, then subtract 1 from total. Match opp
Expanding brackets
Expanding brackets Match opp
Patterns game
Patterns game Spørrelek
collecting like terms randomizer
collecting like terms randomizer Tilfeldig hjul
Match up prime, factor multiple
Match up prime, factor multiple Match opp
Up to 12 times tables
Up to 12 times tables Ballong pop
Arithmetic Sequences
Arithmetic Sequences Match opp
Match up - Time.
Match up - Time. Match opp
collecting like terms
collecting like terms Finn treffet
Random number wheel 1-10
Random number wheel 1-10 Tilfeldig hjul
3D Shapes
3D Shapes Sann eller usann
E2 Mental addition: reordering. Tips: add up large nos. first and/or look for pairs that add up to 10, 20, 30, 40, etc.
E2 Mental addition: reordering. Tips: add up large nos. first and/or look for pairs that add up to 10, 20, 30, 40, etc. Match opp
E1 Mental addition: reordering. Tips: add up large nos. first and/or look for pairs that add up to 10.
E1 Mental addition: reordering. Tips: add up large nos. first and/or look for pairs that add up to 10. Match opp
Sorting Objects by Colour
Sorting Objects by Colour Gruppe sortering
Multiplication Quiz
Multiplication Quiz Spørrelek
number recognition
number recognition Finn treffet
ordinal number match up
ordinal number match up Match opp
Maths word problems EYFS
Maths word problems EYFS Quiz for spillshow
Number recognition
Number recognition Tilfeldig hjul
maths Spørrelek
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