Mathematics Nursery
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8 732 resultater for maths nursery
Dots, fingers and 5 frames (subitising)
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subitising sunflower seeds
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Easter subitising
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Subitising gingerbread men (easier)
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Numicon Spinner
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Up to 3 Dots, fingers and 5 frames (subitising)
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Rhyming words
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Subitising jelly beans
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Up to 3 subitising game (instant recall of amounts)
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Up to 6 Dice, dots, fingers, 5 frames, Numicon (subitising)
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What can you see? 3 or not 3?
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Matching dotty gingerbread man
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Dots, fingers, 5 frames and Numicon (subitising 1-5)
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1-4 Snake biscuits subitising
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Spring Subitising. What do you See?
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Subistising dots, sunflowers and seeds
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apples, conkers and dots subitising to 3
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Memory game- can you find the pairs of farm animals
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Maths word problems EYFS
Quiz for spillshow
Numbers 1-10
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Christmas Matching pairs
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Autumn/Halloween 1-3
Åpne boksen
CVC rhyming family words ‘at’
Maths and ordering letters and numbers
Under the sea
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Group sort- Rhyming Words- Nursery Rhymes
Gruppe sortering
CVC 1 Blending with phonemes s, m, a, c, t, p, g, o
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Percentage maths quiz
Subitising up to 5, numbers, dots, 5 frames
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5 times table
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Match the correct time.
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2d and 3d shapes crossword
Equivalant Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Gruppe sortering
Symmetry Quiz
Quiz for spillshow
Counting in 5s- Which numbers will you say?
Addition 1 - 10
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Sorting 2D and 3D shapes
Gruppe sortering
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Metric and Imperial units of measure
Gruppe sortering
2D Shapes Edges
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Random number wheel 1-10
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2D shapes
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1-20 Wheel.
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Add Fractions G3
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Maths Vocabulary Functional Skills L1
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Ultimate Fraction Quiz
Basic Decimals
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