Present Continuous
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9 517 resultater for present continuous
Present simle and present continuous questions
Tilfeldig hjul
Clothes & Present Continuous
10 common verbs #1
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Present Simple or Present Continuous?
Check your knowledge of the present continuous
Quiz for spillshow
Do VS Be verbs
Gruppe sortering
Be or Do?
Gruppe sortering
E1 Present Simple
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How have you been - Present Perfect tense speaking practice
Tilfeldige kort
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)
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Daily Routine Pictures Cards
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V1, V2 or V3 Sorting Task
Gruppe sortering
Present Perfect exercises
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Colin Brodie gapfill
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Present Simple exercises
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Free Time Activities - Question Form
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Present Simple, Adverbs of frequency - missing words
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Present Simple
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Routine Verbs Wordsearch
ESOL: Shopping Sentences
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Present simple and continuous questions
Tilfeldige kort
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
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Present Continuous or Present Simple?
Flygende frukt
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
E3 activities- add ing
Gruppe sortering
Revising the present continuous (ESOL Entry 3)
Åpne boksen
Present Simple Sentences Unjumble
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Adverbs of frequency
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Common verbs Simple present Foundation
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to be: I, you, this, name, it, they
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present simple
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Have/have to
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Present simple - auxiliary do/does (negatives, questions)
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Present Simple (verb-to-be)
Hobbies likes and dislikes
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Present simple questions (Wh- words)
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Present Simple Practice
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Present simple questions
Present Perfect Speaking
Tilfeldig hjul
Cinema Ticket Reorder
Simple word order
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Present Simple I/you
nieregularne czasy
Gruppe sortering
Present Simple & There is
Gruppe sortering
Daily Routine
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Food and drink
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SfL E1U1 p3 question word order
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E1 Asking and Answering Questions
Tilfeldig hjul
E1 Present Simple : + / - / ?
Find the correct verb
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