
Взрослые English / ESL Pre int file

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Eng. File Pre-Int. "Review of tenses".
Eng. File Pre-Int. "Review of tenses". Fullfør setningen
English File Pre-Int 3VB
English File Pre-Int 3VB Spørrelek
English File. Pre-interm. 3B. verbs + prepositions
English File. Pre-interm. 3B. verbs + prepositions Spørrelek
English File Pre-Int 3A
English File Pre-Int 3A Match opp
EF PI 1C Gr. Freer practice
EF PI 1C Gr. Freer practice Tilfeldig hjul
Ice-breaker PI
Ice-breaker PI Tilfeldige kort
EF PI 8B Grammar
EF PI 8B Grammar Tilfeldige kort
EF PI 6C Gr. Revision
EF PI 6C Gr. Revision Gruppe sortering
3C Relative clause
3C Relative clause Spørrelek
3B Going to / Present continuous (Future)
3B Going to / Present continuous (Future) Spørrelek
EF PI 8A Communicative (based on TB)
EF PI 8A Communicative (based on TB) Åpne boksen
3A Vocabulaty
3A Vocabulaty Finn treffet
English File Pre-Int 3 VB
English File Pre-Int 3 VB Gruppe sortering
English File Pre Int 2A
English File Pre Int 2A Gruppe sortering
English File Pre Int 3C
English File Pre Int 3C Tilfeldig hjul
English File Pre-Int 4A
English File Pre-Int 4A Tilfeldige kort
English File Pre-Int 4A
English File Pre-Int 4A Merket diagram
File 2 Revision game
File 2 Revision game Spørrelek
Enflish File Pre-Int 2A
Enflish File Pre-Int 2A Match opp
English File Pre-Int 4B VB
English File Pre-Int 4B VB Match opp
English File Pre-Int 4B VB
English File Pre-Int 4B VB Spørrelek
English File Pre-intermediate 3A
English File Pre-intermediate 3A Flash-kort
File 3 Revision (partly based on WB (4th ed.) revision
File 3 Revision (partly based on WB (4th ed.) revision Spørrelek
Ice-breaker Åpne boksen
8b first conditional
8b first conditional Tilfeldig hjul
9A Grammar Freer practice
9A Grammar Freer practice Åpne boksen
2A Grammar_Semi-controlled
2A Grammar_Semi-controlled Tilfeldig hjul
English File Pre-Intermediate 3A
English File Pre-Intermediate 3A Match opp
english file pre-inter 3B verbs+prepostitions
english file pre-inter 3B verbs+prepostitions Tilfeldige kort
English file Pre-inter 3B Prepositions Activation
English file Pre-inter 3B Prepositions Activation Tilfeldige kort
English File Pre-inter unit 1 - 2
English File Pre-inter unit 1 - 2 Åpne boksen
English File pre-int - Unit 6C - Talk about it.
English File pre-int - Unit 6C - Talk about it. Tilfeldig hjul
English file Pre-interm 2C
English file Pre-interm 2C Spørrelek
English File Pre-inter 2A
English File Pre-inter 2A Spørrelek
english file pre inter 7B
english file pre inter 7B Tilfeldig hjul
English File pre-intermediate - Practical English 1
English File pre-intermediate - Practical English 1 Løse opp
English File pre-inter 2C speaking
English File pre-inter 2C speaking Åpne boksen
EF pre-int 1C (a)
EF pre-int 1C (a) Åpne boksen
EF pre-int 2C (b)
EF pre-int 2C (b) Spørrelek
English File Pre-Interm 3C speaking
English File Pre-Interm 3C speaking Vend fliser
English File Pre Int Future
English File Pre Int Future Tilfeldig hjul
english file pre interm 1A word order
english file pre interm 1A word order Løse opp
English File pre-intermediate - 1C - Clothes (T/F)
English File pre-intermediate - 1C - Clothes (T/F) Sann eller usann
Pre-int 6B verb+back
Pre-int 6B verb+back Match opp
English File Pre-Int PE Episode 2
English File Pre-Int PE Episode 2 Rangeringsrekkefølge
EF Pre-int 2A Past Simple Wh- questions (you)
EF Pre-int 2A Past Simple Wh- questions (you) Tilfeldig hjul
Unit 4C - Ed/ing adjectives questions
Unit 4C - Ed/ing adjectives questions Tilfeldige kort
EF Pre-Int Unit 5 grammar
EF Pre-Int Unit 5 grammar Sann eller usann
EF Pre-Int Unit 8 (get)
EF Pre-Int Unit 8 (get) Tilfeldige kort
English File Pre-inter 2A Truth or lie?
English File Pre-inter 2A Truth or lie? Tilfeldige kort
EF Pre-Int Appearance
EF Pre-Int Appearance Wordsearch
English File pre-interm 1C Ask me some questions...
English File pre-interm 1C Ask me some questions... Spørrelek
6c EF pre int tense revision
6c EF pre int tense revision Spørrelek
EF pre-int 2A Holidays, phrases with "go"
EF pre-int 2A Holidays, phrases with "go" Match opp
10 Revision
10 Revision Tilfeldig hjul
2A-B Text vocabulary
2A-B Text vocabulary Spørrelek
EF Pre-Int. 3rd ed. In a shop or store
EF Pre-Int. 3rd ed. In a shop or store Quiz for spillshow
2B Grammar Semi-Controlled practice
2B Grammar Semi-Controlled practice Åpne boksen
PI 7C What does the sign mean?
PI 7C What does the sign mean? Tilfeldige kort
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