
English / ESL

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10 000+ resultater for english

Solutions Pre 3A Aspects
Solutions Pre 3A Aspects Finn treffet
Solutions PI 7A
Solutions PI 7A Match opp
Numbers 11-20 / Hangman
Numbers 11-20 / Hangman Bøddel
8B - Reported speech
8B - Reported speech Tilfeldige kort
numbers NEF pre-intermediate
numbers NEF pre-intermediate Spørrelek
Tenses Cats
Tenses Cats Tilfeldige kort
Family members
Family members Tilfeldige kort
Solutions PI 3E
Solutions PI 3E Finn treffet
Sh vs Ch
Sh vs Ch Spørrelek
2A - Money questions
2A - Money questions Tilfeldige kort
furniture Match opp
Solutions PI 7A shopping
Solutions PI 7A shopping Finn treffet
Irregular verbs Letter F+G+H
Irregular verbs Letter F+G+H Finn treffet
Unit 4C - Ed/ing adjectives questions
Unit 4C - Ed/ing adjectives questions Tilfeldige kort
Use of English U1 Words with prepositions
Use of English U1 Words with prepositions Gruppe sortering
sh, ch, th
sh, ch, th Match opp
e u i o words
e u i o words Spørrelek
Clothes Quiz 1
Clothes Quiz 1 Spørrelek
Go Getter 3 Unit 0  Jobs
Go Getter 3 Unit 0 Jobs Spørrelek
Irregular verbs b
Irregular verbs b Match opp
How to make...
How to make... Gruppe sortering
Solutions PI 3E Negative prefixes
Solutions PI 3E Negative prefixes Gruppe sortering
Christmas Vocab
Christmas Vocab Spørrelek
My Family
My Family Merket diagram
Short answers
Short answers Match opp
 Adverbs of manner
Adverbs of manner Tilfeldige kort
Solutions PI 3F Collocations
Solutions PI 3F Collocations Match opp
Solutions Pre 3A Films
Solutions Pre 3A Films Finn treffet
 clock Time_hs1
clock Time_hs1 Match opp
Life Vision El - U6 Irreg.verbs Quiz M-R
Life Vision El - U6 Irreg.verbs Quiz M-R Spørrelek
present simple (+, -, ?)
present simple (+, -, ?) Fullfør setningen
Present Simple -s
Present Simple -s Gruppe sortering
Present Simple Special questions
Present Simple Special questions Flash-kort
Pets Finn treffet
Christmas vocabulary 2
Christmas vocabulary 2 Match opp
Put words in the right position
Put words in the right position Løse opp
 Presen Simple - he she it (-s)
Presen Simple - he she it (-s) Spørrelek
Present perfect & past simple_Time expressions
Present perfect & past simple_Time expressions Gruppe sortering
Present Continuous _wh-questions
Present Continuous _wh-questions Vend fliser
Present Simple ( mistakes search )
Present Simple ( mistakes search ) Sann eller usann
Life Vision El - U6 Irreg.verbs E-G
Life Vision El - U6 Irreg.verbs E-G Match opp
Activities + experiences full
Activities + experiences full Tilfeldige kort
Present simple "?"
Present simple "?" Spørrelek
Present Simple sentences.
Present Simple sentences. Løse opp
2. Present, Past, Future continuous
2. Present, Past, Future continuous Fullfør setningen
Describe your daily  routine - sound on
Describe your daily routine - sound on Tilfeldige kort
Present simple (+, -, ?)
Present simple (+, -, ?) Labyrintjakt
Present perfect past simple pre-intermediate
Present perfect past simple pre-intermediate Spørrelek
Wh-questions - Present Simple
Wh-questions - Present Simple Vend fliser
Present Simple_questions
Present Simple_questions Flash-kort
YL Present Simple (he/she/it)
YL Present Simple (he/she/it) Løse opp
Present perfect
Present perfect Flash-kort
Wh-questions - Choice
Wh-questions - Choice Fullfør setningen
Describing clothes
Describing clothes Match opp
Eminem 2
Eminem 2 Fullfør setningen
6 класс
6 класс Tilfeldige kort
Describe your daily routine - Present Simple
Describe your daily routine - Present Simple Tilfeldige kort
Clothes Finn treffet
2. Past Simple
2. Past Simple Fullfør setningen
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