Intermediate efl
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10 000+ resultater for intermediate efl
Learning English (Discussion)
Åpne boksen
Åpne boksen
Ability, Past and Present (NTE Inter 7.3)
Tilfeldig hjul
Past Simple / Present Perfect - Speaking
Tilfeldig hjul
Second Conditional (NTE Pre 12.1)
Åpne boksen
Modal Verbs (Obligation and Ability)
Åpne boksen
Hobbies (introduction Solutions A2)
Finn treffet
Modifying Comparatives (NTE Upper 2.3)
Tilfeldige kort
English File Elementary 1A | Numbers 0 to 20
Tilfeldig hjul
Intermediate Solutions 1a
Tilfeldige kort
English File Intermediate 8B
Tilfeldige kort
Outcomes Intermediate weather
Finn treffet
Future outcomes intermediate
Match opp
EF Intermediate 1B Personality adjectives
Quiz for spillshow
English File Intermediate 2A (II)
Åpne boksen
Food - Solutions - Intermediate UNIT 2C
Gruppe sortering
EF Intermediate 4A can/could/be able to
EF Inter Verbs plus prepositions
Solutions Intermediate 3rd 2A
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Tilfeldige kort
EF Intermediate Sport vocabulary
Vend fliser
EF Intermediate 4A be able to
Vend fliser
EF Intermediate 1B Personality
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EF Inter Transport Compound nouns
Finn treffet
EF Inter 3A Communicative
Tilfeldige kort
EF Inter 5A sport
EF Intermediate 5B Relationships
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EF Inter 4A Reflexive Pronouns
Fullfør setningen
EF Inter 3A Comparative or Superlative
Tilfeldige kort
Present Simple or Present Continuous + State verbs
Fullfør setningen
State and action verbs Intermediate
Sann eller usann
EF Intermediate. Gerund or infinitive
EF Inter 3A Transport
make/let/be allowed to - Intermediate
Questions with future forms EF Intermediate
Tilfeldige kort
Intermediate Used to/Would
Tilfeldige kort
EF Intermediate Sport verbs
EF Intermediate 3B Dependent Prepositions
Tilfeldige kort
Adjectives of personality EF Intermediate
Fullfør setningen
EF Inter 3B Adjectives plus prepositions
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Answer the question (NTE Upper 1.1)
Tilfeldig hjul
Relations (NTE Inter 1.1)
EF Intermediate. 6A Communicative: the Passive
Åpne boksen
Outcomes intermediate 12 character
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7A 1st conditional intermediate
Tilfeldige kort
English File intermediate. Transport
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Future questions outcomes intermediate
Tilfeldige kort
2A money intermediate explain
Tilfeldige kort
9A animals pre-intermediate
Tilfeldige kort
Solutions Intermediate Unit 4
Tilfeldige kort
Fellings Upper-Intermediate (1)
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5a vocab English File Intermediate
Comparatives + Superlatives Intermediate
Tilfeldige kort
English File Intermediate 5A
Fullfør setningen
EF Upper-Intermediate prefixes
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Upper-Intermediate Honest/ Dishonest
Tilfeldig hjul
Articles (Intermediate) - rules
Gruppe sortering
English File Intermediate 4A
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