English / ESL New total
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10 000+ resultater for english new total
Speaking - opinions for discussion - "Books/films"
Tilfeldige kort
Merket diagram
Reported Speech
Let's talk about food...
Tilfeldige kort
speaking movers
Tilfeldig hjul
Have got (questions)
Åpne boksen
Past Simple / Present Perfect - Speaking
Tilfeldig hjul
Past Simple Answer the Questions
Åpne boksen
I wish... / If only... (NTE Int 10.1)
Tilfeldige kort
Second Conditional (NTE Pre 12.1)
Åpne boksen
Ability, Past and Present (NTE Inter 7.3)
Tilfeldig hjul
Prepositions of Time + Questions (NTE Pre 8.2)
Gruppe sortering
Third conditional
Åpne boksen
Present Perfect Simple or Continuous? Speaking
Tilfeldige kort
Match opp
Present Simple or Continuous? Speaking
Åpne boksen
Past tenses
NTE pre-int 7 lead-in
Tilfeldige kort
Phrasal Verbs [1]
Feelings (NTE Upper 2.1 + Voc. in Use)
Match opp
Modal Verbs (Obligation and Ability)
Åpne boksen
Modifying Comparatives (NTE Upper 2.3)
Tilfeldige kort
Jobs and Work (Speaking)
Tilfeldige kort
Tilfeldige kort
Present Perfect + Past Simple (NTE Pre 2.2)
Tilfeldige kort
Common verbs New English File
Tilfeldig hjul
Matchmaker (NTE Inter Communication 1)
Vend fliser
New English File Elementary: Clothes
Match opp
NTE. Upper-intermediate. Unit 4.1. Quiz
Question Words
Tilfeldig hjul
New English file beginner things
Finn treffet
numbers NEF pre-intermediate
English File intermediate. Transport
Match opp
Relations (NTE Inter 1.1)
Answer the question (NTE Upper 1.1)
Tilfeldig hjul
Elementary jobs and places of work
Tilfeldige kort
Types of Rooms
Merket diagram
Going out (NTE Pre 1.1 ex. 4)
Gruppe sortering
Music (NTE Pre 2.1)
Match opp
Friendship - Phrasal Verbs (NTE Pre 5.2)
Match opp
3A answer the question
Tilfeldige kort
English File A1 opposite adjectives
Match opp
11&12 revise and check
This that these those
Tilfeldige kort
English File A1 jobs
Match opp
English File A1 verb phrases 1
Match opp
English file beginner possessive pronouns
Tilfeldige kort
5a food beginner
Tilfeldige kort
Likes and Dislikes (NTE Pre 1.1)
Åpne boksen