
Англійська мова Food

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FF starter Food
FF starter Food Finn treffet
Lunch Match opp
Complete the sentences with the words
Complete the sentences with the words Match opp
Types of food sorting
Types of food sorting Gruppe sortering
Food Finn treffet
 Food (Matching)
Food (Matching) Spørrelek
How many/How much 2
How many/How much 2 Vend fliser
Prepositions of time
Prepositions of time Spørrelek
 Family members
Family members Anagram
indirect questions
indirect questions Tilfeldige kort
The food here is great
The food here is great Merket diagram
Alphabet - order 2
Alphabet - order 2 Fullfør setningen
ABC Tilfeldige kort
Family Match opp
Let's talk about food: pick a card and speak your mind, use the prompts on the cards
Let's talk about food: pick a card and speak your mind, use the prompts on the cards Tilfeldige kort
I've got a . I haven't got a cards
I've got a . I haven't got a cards Tilfeldige kort
Alphabet - names of letters
Alphabet - names of letters Match opp
kitchen Anagram
Food вікторина
Food вікторина Spørrelek
Healthy/ Unhealthy
Healthy/ Unhealthy Gruppe sortering
Plural nouns(taken from Grammarway 1 Ex. 4 p.7)
Plural nouns(taken from Grammarway 1 Ex. 4 p.7) Spørrelek
Get to know you
Get to know you Åpne boksen
Quick minds 1. Unit 4: in, on, under
Quick minds 1. Unit 4: in, on, under Spørrelek
Month of the Year
Month of the Year Finn treffet
Irregular verbs (II) UA
Irregular verbs (II) UA Finn treffet
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbs of frequency Løse opp
Oxford exam trainer B2 Unit 3
Oxford exam trainer B2 Unit 3 Match opp
Month Bøddel
Present Continuous. Despicable me
Present Continuous. Despicable me Spørrelek
Present Continuous 1
Present Continuous 1 Løse opp
Gerund Tilfeldige kort
beehive 1 unit 1
beehive 1 unit 1 Finn treffet
Go getter 3. Unit 1.3 Hamster Pr Simple / Continuous Hamster
Go getter 3. Unit 1.3 Hamster Pr Simple / Continuous Hamster Finn treffet
fruit and vegetables
fruit and vegetables Gruppe sortering
Smart Junior 2. Food. Module 7b
Smart Junior 2. Food. Module 7b Spørrelek
 Food 2 Карпюк
Food 2 Карпюк Anagram
fly high 1 unit 13 food
fly high 1 unit 13 food Spørrelek
Ordering food
Ordering food Fullfør setningen
Fruit/Vegetables Gruppe sortering
Warm up, associations
Warm up, associations Tilfeldige kort
Foood Åpne boksen
Prepare 5 Unit 6. Food and drinks
Prepare 5 Unit 6. Food and drinks Match opp
Focus 1. Unit 2 - Food
Focus 1. Unit 2 - Food Flash-kort
Focus 1 Unit 2.1 food containers
Focus 1 Unit 2.1 food containers Gruppe sortering
Preparing food
Preparing food Spørrelek
Full Blast 1 Food 5a
Full Blast 1 Food 5a Gruppe sortering
Unit 8. Food Verbs
Unit 8. Food Verbs Match opp
Unit 8. Taste (adjectives)
Unit 8. Taste (adjectives) Match opp
Smart Junior 2. Food .Module 7a
Smart Junior 2. Food .Module 7a Anagram
Do Does
Do Does Spørrelek
F&F 1 Unit 12 Food
F&F 1 Unit 12 Food Anagram
Would you like...? I'd like.
Would you like...? I'd like. Løse opp
Go Getter 2 | 2.3 | how much / how many
Go Getter 2 | 2.3 | how much / how many Spørrelek
Prepare Unit 6 Food 1
Prepare Unit 6 Food 1 Finn treffet
Smart Junior 3. Unit 6.Food
Smart Junior 3. Unit 6.Food Spørrelek
Street Food (Smart Junior 3)
Street Food (Smart Junior 3) Spørrelek
FF3 unit 8 food
FF3 unit 8 food Bøddel
NMT (ex. with pictures)
NMT (ex. with pictures) Spørrelek
Domestic animals BASIC English A1
Domestic animals BASIC English A1 Match opp
RoadMap A2 1A Street Food video script
RoadMap A2 1A Street Food video script Fullfør setningen
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