
Початкова освіта Англійська мова Smiling sam 3

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Unit 5. Lessons 6-7: Past simple (regular verbs) (Smiling Sam 3)
Unit 5. Lessons 6-7: Past simple (regular verbs) (Smiling Sam 3) Spørrelek
Smiling Sam 4 Unit 6 Lesson 1
Smiling Sam 4 Unit 6 Lesson 1 Finn treffet
Unit 8 Lesson 1 (Smiling Sam 2)
Unit 8 Lesson 1 (Smiling Sam 2) Finn treffet
What's the matter with you?
What's the matter with you? Tilfeldige kort
Lesson 5 - Words. Unit 4: Health and body care. (Smiling Sam 4)
Lesson 5 - Words. Unit 4: Health and body care. (Smiling Sam 4) Anagram
Karpiuk 4, Hello again
Karpiuk 4, Hello again Match opp
Smiling Sam 3
Smiling Sam 3 Match opp
Smiling Sam 3 Starter
Smiling Sam 3 Starter Match opp
Smiling Sam 4 Unit 6 Lesons 6-7
Smiling Sam 4 Unit 6 Lesons 6-7 Match opp
FH3 unit 3 have got/has got
FH3 unit 3 have got/has got Spørrelek
Smart Junior 3. Revision 1
Smart Junior 3. Revision 1 Tilfeldige kort
Quick Minds 3 Unit 2 Months
Quick Minds 3 Unit 2 Months Spørrelek
Smart Junior 3. Module 2
Smart Junior 3. Module 2 Løse opp
Anagrams(Vegetables&Fruit) Smiling Sam 3
Anagrams(Vegetables&Fruit) Smiling Sam 3 Anagram
Food Smiling Sam 1
Food Smiling Sam 1 Spørrelek
smart junior 3 unit 8 regular verbs
smart junior 3 unit 8 regular verbs Fullfør setningen
smart junior 3 unit 8 on holiday
smart junior 3 unit 8 on holiday Tilfeldige kort
Fly High 3 Lesson 11
Fly High 3 Lesson 11 Spørrelek
Sming Sam 4 unit 2 Lesson 3
Sming Sam 4 unit 2 Lesson 3 Match opp
smart junior 3 unit 8 verbs past present
smart junior 3 unit 8 verbs past present Gruppe sortering
Quick minds 3 Unit 5 By the sea
Quick minds 3 Unit 5 By the sea Finn treffet
Food вікторина
Food вікторина Spørrelek
FF 3 unit 3
FF 3 unit 3 Spørrelek
Doing things 1. SMILING SAM 2
Doing things 1. SMILING SAM 2 Spørrelek
Smart Junior 3. Module 3
Smart Junior 3. Module 3 Tilfeldige kort
past simple, irregular verbs, negatives
past simple, irregular verbs, negatives Fullfør setningen
Be good at..
Be good at.. Spørrelek
Would you like...? I'd like.
Would you like...? I'd like. Løse opp
Past simple questions
Past simple questions Tilfeldig hjul
Smart Junior 3. Our World 1
Smart Junior 3. Our World 1 Spørrelek
 Smart junior 3 smart kids
Smart junior 3 smart kids Match opp
Smart Junior 3. Module 2
Smart Junior 3. Module 2 Fullfør setningen
Colours Spørrelek
Smart Junior 3 Unit 5
Smart Junior 3 Unit 5 Spørrelek
Smart kids 3
Smart kids 3 Match opp
Smiling sam 3 unit 1
Smiling sam 3 unit 1 Match opp
Days of the week
Days of the week Match opp
Smart Junior 3. Module 2
Smart Junior 3. Module 2 Spørrelek
FF 3 Unit 1 Question to be
FF 3 Unit 1 Question to be Spørrelek
Food Anagram
Days of the week
Days of the week Løse opp
Smart junior 3 unit 4 smart kids month
Smart junior 3 unit 4 smart kids month Match opp
Team Together 3. Unit 2. Test
Team Together 3. Unit 2. Test Spørrelek
 Smiling Sam 1 07.09.2022
Smiling Sam 1 07.09.2022 Samsvarende par
Menu Smiling Sam 1
Menu Smiling Sam 1 Spørrelek
Possessive adjectives
Possessive adjectives Match opp
Months Match opp
Is there or Are there?
Is there or Are there? Spørrelek
Verb "to be". FlyHigh 3 Lesson 1-2
Verb "to be". FlyHigh 3 Lesson 1-2 Åpne boksen
Прикметник Spørrelek
3 form Present Continuous
3 form Present Continuous Fullfør setningen
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Løse opp
What time is it? 2
What time is it? 2 Finn treffet
Ненаголошені [е], [и]
Ненаголошені [е], [и] Tilfeldige kort
Present Continuous 2
Present Continuous 2 Løse opp
Smiling Sam 4 Unit 4 Lesson 5
Smiling Sam 4 Unit 4 Lesson 5 Finn treffet
Smart junior 3 unit 7
Smart junior 3 unit 7 Match opp
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