
4 клас Англійська мова Body

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Present Simple Adverbs of Frequency
Present Simple Adverbs of Frequency Spørrelek
Гриби Finn treffet
body parts 2
body parts 2 Spørrelek
Verbs and verb phrases about the body
Verbs and verb phrases about the body Finn treffet
Face Finn treffet
 sj1 My body
sj1 My body Merket diagram
My body
My body Merket diagram
What are they doing?
What are they doing? Spørrelek
Smart Junior 4 Unit 3 REVISION (Past Tense)
Smart Junior 4 Unit 3 REVISION (Past Tense) Spørrelek
Gussing game (FOOD)
Gussing game (FOOD) Bildequiz
Eating right
Eating right Wordsearch
Body Monster
Body Monster Sann eller usann
FF 4 can/can't/could/couldn't
FF 4 can/can't/could/couldn't Spørrelek
Lesson 7 (Health)
Lesson 7 (Health) Flash-kort
Parts of the body
Parts of the body Anagram
Parts of body plurals
Parts of body plurals Finn treffet
Smiling Sam 4 Unit 6 Lesson 1
Smiling Sam 4 Unit 6 Lesson 1 Finn treffet
Irregular Verbs
Irregular Verbs Spørrelek
Countries and capitals Quick minds 4
Countries and capitals Quick minds 4 Anagram
Describing people
Describing people Gruppe sortering
High Fly 4. Vocabulary (lessons 1-5)
High Fly 4. Vocabulary (lessons 1-5) Wordsearch
Апостроф Tilfeldig hjul
Quick minds 4
Quick minds 4 Anagram
What's the matter?
What's the matter? Anagram
Quick Minds 4
Quick Minds 4 Match opp
Match countries and capitals
Match countries and capitals Match opp
SJ4_Module 8_Accept/Refuse an offer
SJ4_Module 8_Accept/Refuse an offer Spørrelek
Smart junior 4  Where are you from?
Smart junior 4 Where are you from? Tilfeldige kort
Smart Junior 4. Module 2
Smart Junior 4. Module 2 Spørrelek
Smart Junior Unit 2
Smart Junior Unit 2 Finn treffet
Smart Junior 4. Cities around the World
Smart Junior 4. Cities around the World Gruppe sortering
Comparative Sann eller usann
Smart Junior 4. Module 1. Smart Kids
Smart Junior 4. Module 1. Smart Kids Spørrelek
Preparing food
Preparing food Spørrelek
At the Museum
At the Museum Anagram
Особові займенники, англійська, непрямі відмінки
Особові займенники, англійська, непрямі відмінки Finn treffet
Superlative Whack-a-mole
Degrees of comparison
Degrees of comparison Spørrelek
Academy stars 3 Unit 4
Academy stars 3 Unit 4 Anagram
4a M6 Vocabulary
4a M6 Vocabulary Anagram
Health and Body Care
Health and Body Care Match opp
 Past Events
Past Events Spørrelek
My body 2
My body 2 Åpne boksen
Monsters (body parts + have got)
Monsters (body parts + have got) Spørrelek
Past Events
Past Events Quiz for spillshow
Advice Løse opp
My body
My body Merket diagram
Smart Junior 4 Unit 1
Smart Junior 4 Unit 1 Løse opp
Body parts
Body parts Flash-kort
Match questions to answers
Match questions to answers Match opp
SJ4_Module 8_Sing a song
SJ4_Module 8_Sing a song Løse opp
Математика 4 клас
Математика 4 клас Tilfeldig hjul
Body parts
Body parts Gruppe sortering
вікторина Tilfeldig hjul
That's amazing. Vocabulary
That's amazing. Vocabulary Anagram
SJ4 M5 Vocabulary
SJ4 M5 Vocabulary Vend fliser
Parts of the body. Hangman (Games. Elementary)
Parts of the body. Hangman (Games. Elementary) Anagram
Next move 1, Unit 4, p.47, ex.1 "Parts of the body"
Next move 1, Unit 4, p.47, ex.1 "Parts of the body" Ballong pop
Lesson 5 - Words. Unit 4: Health and body care. (Smiling Sam 4)
Lesson 5 - Words. Unit 4: Health and body care. (Smiling Sam 4) Anagram
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