
Non action verbs

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10 000+ resultater for non action verbs

Non action-verbs
Non action-verbs Tilfeldig hjul
Present Simple/Actions
Present Simple/Actions Match opp
Cooking verbs
Cooking verbs Match opp
Daily routine,verb action
Daily routine,verb action Match opp
My day
My day Merket diagram
Action or non-action verbs?
Action or non-action verbs? Gruppe sortering
Action verbs
Action verbs Merket diagram
Action verbs
Action verbs Match opp
Action verbs
Action verbs Match opp
Action verbs
Action verbs Match opp
Action verbs
Action verbs Spørrelek
Action verbs
Action verbs Fullfør setningen
stative/non-stative verbs
stative/non-stative verbs Gruppe sortering
State and action verbs
State and action verbs Gruppe sortering
 Action verbs
Action verbs Tilfeldige kort
 action verbs
action verbs Samsvarende par
Action verbs
Action verbs Tilfeldige kort
Action verbs
Action verbs Tilfeldige kort
Action Verbs Super Minds 2
Action Verbs Super Minds 2 Sann eller usann
Action verbs
Action verbs Åpne boksen
What are they doing? Use the prepositions of movement in your answers (up, down, into, out of, through, under)
What are they doing? Use the prepositions of movement in your answers (up, down, into, out of, through, under) Åpne boksen
Action or Non-action verbs
Action or Non-action verbs Gruppe sortering
Action or non-action verbs?
Action or non-action verbs? Gruppe sortering
Cooking Verbs
Cooking Verbs Samsvarende par
Action Verbs
Action Verbs Merket diagram
Action verbs
Action verbs Spørrelek
Irregular verbs unjumble
Irregular verbs unjumble Løse opp
 Action verbs
Action verbs Vend fliser
Cooking verbs True of False
Cooking verbs True of False Sann eller usann
Irregular verbs. Common verbs
Irregular verbs. Common verbs Åpne boksen
Irregular verbs: common verbs
Irregular verbs: common verbs Vend fliser
past simple
past simple Spørrelek
Present Perfect Verbs (pre-intermediate level) Memory Cards
Present Perfect Verbs (pre-intermediate level) Memory Cards Samsvarende par
Irregular verbs_2d form_part2
Irregular verbs_2d form_part2 Finn treffet
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs Match opp
Practice 3
Practice 3 Fullfør setningen
Learn with tag
Learn with tag Match opp
Full blast 5 NUS//Irregular verbs
Full blast 5 NUS//Irregular verbs Match opp
Choose - can, must, should.
Choose - can, must, should. Spørrelek
Stative & action verbs group sort
Stative & action verbs group sort Gruppe sortering
Cooking verbs
Cooking verbs Flash-kort
 Irregular verbs 1
Irregular verbs 1 Match opp
Travel & transport phrasal verbs (Destination B2)
Travel & transport phrasal verbs (Destination B2) Match opp
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