Non action verbs
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10 000+ resultater for non action verbs
Non action-verbs
Tilfeldig hjul
Present Simple/Actions
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Action/non-action verbs
Gruppe sortering
Cooking verbs
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Action/ non-action verbs
Daily routine,verb action
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My day
Merket diagram
Action or non-action verbs?
Gruppe sortering
Action verbs
Merket diagram
Action verbs
Match opp
Action verbs
Match opp
Action verbs
Match opp
Action verbs
Action verbs
Fullfør setningen
Stative / non-stative verbs
Gruppe sortering
stative/non-stative verbs
Gruppe sortering
Action verbs GG2 U02
Finn treffet
Action&State Verbs
State/Action Verbs
Vend fliser
State and action verbs
Gruppe sortering
Action Verbs & State (Stative) Verbs
Action verbs
Tilfeldige kort
action verbs
Samsvarende par
Action verbs
Tilfeldige kort
Action verbs
Tilfeldige kort
Go Getter 1 Action Verbs
Action Verbs Super Minds 2
Sann eller usann
Action verbs
Åpne boksen
Stative / non-stative verbs
Gruppe sortering
State and action verbs
Gruppe sortering
Action or Non-action verbs
Gruppe sortering
Action or non-action verbs?
Gruppe sortering
Action verbs Go getter 1 Unit 5
Finn treffet
Cooking Verbs
Samsvarende par
Action verbs
Match opp
Action Verbs
Merket diagram
Action verbs
1A Action and Non-action verbs
Gruppe sortering
Irregular verbs unjumble
Løse opp
Action verbs
Vend fliser
Cooking verbs True of False
Sann eller usann
Irregular verbs. Common verbs
Åpne boksen
Irregular verbs: common verbs
Vend fliser
past simple
Present Perfect Verbs (pre-intermediate level) Memory Cards
Samsvarende par
Irregular verbs_2d form_part2
Finn treffet
Irregular verbs
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Practice 3
Fullfør setningen
Learn with tag
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Full blast 5 NUS//Irregular verbs
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Choose - can, must, should.
Stative & action verbs group sort
Gruppe sortering
Stative & action verbs
Cooking verbs
Irregular verbs 1
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