Present Perfect Continuous
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B1 Green Forest Notes | Class 12 - Warm-up
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Present Perfect Simple/ Present Perfect Continuous
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Present Simple / Continuous
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Present Simple vs Present Continuous
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Mixed Tenses
Present Simple and Present Continuous
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Present Simple/Continuous
Present Simple | present continuous markers
Gruppe sortering
(1) Present Perfect ( +, -, ?)
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Have got vs to be
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Some,any,a /an
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Present Perfect questions Have you ever...?
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Present Simple vs Present Continuous
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present continuous
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Present Sim. or Pres. Cont.
Fly High 3. Lesson 11 (ex. 3)
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Smart Junior 3. Our World
Present Continuous 2
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Have you ever
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Present Perfect for past experience
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Present Continuous
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Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, going to
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Get Ready for Movers
Fly High 3. Lesson 9
Match opp
Present Continuous - positive, negative or question
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generator of sentences for Present Continuous B2 Level
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Present Continuous
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Present Continuous
Present Continuous
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Present continuous positive
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Present continuous negative
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Present Continuous
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Fly High 3. Lesson 10
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Smart Junior 3.Module 3
What are you doing?
Present Continuous. Questions
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Present Continuous (Fly High 2 U 21)
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Present Continuous
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Present Simple vs Present Continuous easy
Sann eller usann
Present Simple and Present Continuous Questions
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Present simple vs present continuous
Fullfør setningen
Go Getter 3 | 1.3
Present Tenses Time markers
Gruppe sortering
Present Continuous. Questions
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Present Simple/Continuous. Questions 3
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Present Perfect/Present Perfect Continuous
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Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous
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Have you ever...?
Tilfeldig hjul
Present Simple vs Present Continuous easy
Sann eller usann
Prime Time 2 / mod 5 / Present Perfect
Speaking: Present Perfect
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Present Perfect
Present Perfect Simple
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Present Perfect questions
Åpne boksen
Present Perfect Verbs (pre-intermediate level) Memory Cards
Samsvarende par
Speaking 2: Present Simple vs Present Continuous
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