2nd Grade Wonders
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Wonders Grade 2 Vocabulary U3W1/2
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Wonders Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 5 air are ear ere
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2nd Grade Wonders Vocabulary U3W1/2
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Wonders Spelling Grade 2 Unit 3 Week 5 Long u
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Wonders Grade 2 Unit 5 Week 1
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Wonders Grade 3 Vocabulary U3W1/2
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Wonders 3rd Grade Vocabulary U3W1/2
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Unit 2 - Week 1 - First Grade Wonders High Frequency Words
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U5W5 Vocabulary
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Wonders Grade 2 U2W5 Vocabulary
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Grade 4 Wonders U1 W3 Vocabulary
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First Grade Sight Words
Tilfeldige kort

Sight Word Practice: Grade 2
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1.4 Wonders Vocabulary- grade 2

Spelling #6 Balloon Pop
Ballong pop

Wonders Grade 2 Unit 4 Week 2 er/ur/ir
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Grade 4 Wonders Unit 2 Week 1 Spelling

Unit 1 - Week 1 - First Grade Wonders High Frequency Words
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Quiz for spillshow

Initial Consonant Blends fr, fl
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Fundations Deck
Tilfeldige kort

Main Idea and Details

Wilson - Letter, Digraphs & Welded Sounds
Tilfeldig hjul

3-digit Addition
Tilfeldig hjul

Point of View Sort
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EW words

Closed Syllable Exceptions
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Ai/Ay Sound

Maze - Addition with regrouping

Sequencing words in a narrative
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Choose ic or ick

Adding and Subtracting within 20 (Fluency)
Åpne boksen

Letterland Unit 16 review

R Blends
Tilfeldig hjul

long e vowel teams
Tilfeldig hjul

Riddles - Level 1 ou/ow
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Consonant LE - LE
Quiz for spillshow

Review Quiz - Wilson Book 2 - 2.1-2.2

ves /f

oi and oy words

2nd grade sight words
Tilfeldig hjul

Blending and Segmenting
k, ck, or c
Quiz for spillshow
Word ending: ed
Fill in the Blank
Ocean Animals
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Sequence Events
short and long a
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Unscramble sentences
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G2 - Adjectives
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Even v. Odd Numbers
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Goods and Services Sort
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Common and Proper Nouns
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Making Inferences
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Complete Sentences
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-tch -dge
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Telling Time to the Hour
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