Kindergarten Music
Eksempler fra fellesskapet vårt
10 000+ resultater for kindergarten music
Musical Instrument Memory Game
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Instrument Families
Gruppe sortering
Trombone Anatomy
Merket diagram
Music Notation and Symbols
Quiz for spillshow
Instruments of the Orchestra
Quiz for spillshow
Dynamics (Volume)
Music Vocab
Match opp
Order Greatest to Least
Getting to Know You: Choir Style
Tilfeldig hjul
Saxophone Anatomy
Merket diagram
Steps, Skips, and Leaps- Music Intervals
Flute Anatomy
Merket diagram
Instruments 2
Tilfeldig hjul
Is This a String Instrument?
Sann eller usann
Suzuki Book 1 Musical terms
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Music Express!
Ballong pop
How many beats do I get?
Rhythm Review
Ballong pop
Solfege Wheel Challenge!
Tilfeldig hjul
Half Note Identification Game
Pick the Woodwind Instrument
Ice breaker
Tilfeldig hjul
Note Name Match Up
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Dynamics Maze
Lines and Spaces (Treble Clef)
Merket diagram
Violin Parts
Match opp
Major keys and their key signatures
Match opp
All Keys and key signatures
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Music Basics
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Percussion Family
Merket diagram
Brass Instruments
Music Symbols
Åpne boksen
Does it Add Up to Four?
Peter and the Wolf Motifs
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Classical Composers
Match opp
Baritone/Tuba Anatomy
Merket diagram
Trumpet Anatomy
Merket diagram
Musical terms for beginners -1
Match opp
Brass or Woodwind?
Sann eller usann
Star Spangled Scramble
Løse opp
16th Notes
Woodwind Instrument Word Search
Note Names Treble Clef
Samsvarende par
Clarinet Anatomy
Merket diagram
Percussion Instruments
Intervals 音程猜猜看
Match opp
Pitched or Unpitched
Gruppe sortering
Identify the Eighth Rest and Eighth Notes
Cloudy Sight RR-ALL
Vend fliser
Instrument Memory
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Holiday Fun
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Letters t, b, f
Gruppe sortering
Sort by number of syllables
Gruppe sortering
Fundations Trick Words 1-15
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Tilfeldig hjul
L Sound Initial- set 1
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אותיות א-י
Ballong pop
/a/, /o/ initial sound sort
Gruppe sortering
Fundations Standard Letter Cards
Tilfeldige kort