Speech therapy Phonemic awareness
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5 904 resultater for speech therapy phonemic awareness
Phonemic Awareness
Åpne boksen
High frequency /th/ words
Tilfeldig hjul
Final /g/
Åpne boksen
/l/ Words - Probe (Init, Med, Final)
Tilfeldig hjul
SPR Clusters Complexity Approach Articulation
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Phonemic Awareness
Quiz for spillshow
SPL Clusters Complexity Approach Articulation
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Medial /l/
Tilfeldig hjul
Voiceless /th/
Tilfeldig hjul
/f/ minimal pairs (stopping)
/k/ All Positions
Tilfeldig hjul
Mixed /l/ blends
Tilfeldig hjul
Initial Bilabials
Tilfeldig hjul
Phonemic Awareness
Tilfeldig hjul
Phonemic Awareness
Åpne boksen
High Frequency SH Words
Tilfeldig hjul
Prevocalic R
Tilfeldig hjul
Rhyme Production
Tilfeldige kort
FIS Lesson 4 Memory Game
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Sound Discrimination (quiz lip and tongue sounds ALL)
Gruppe sortering
1.5 Which words rhyme
Short-i and Short-e Sorting
Gruppe sortering
Beginning Sound Match
Match opp
FIS 10 - Match First Sounds
Finn treffet
Which one doesn't belong: Ending Sounds
Compound Word Match
Finn treffet
Match the Beginning Sound
Finn treffet
/Sh/ or /Ch/
Gruppe sortering
initial Sounds
SD - /ch,/sh/, /j/
Gruppe sortering
How Many Sounds?
FIS up to lesson 12
Decoding CVC
Åpne boksen
Phoneme Deletion.
Short-i or Short-e?
Gruppe sortering
Rhyming/Phonemic Awareness
Tilfeldige kort
3.6 FIS Vibrating Sounds
Decoding CCVC words
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1.1 What is the middle sound?
Odd One Out (A Rhyming Game)
Rhyming Pairs - Short a words
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Syllable Count
Åpne boksen
Multiple Meaning words
Tilfeldig hjul
Change the Verb to Past Tense
Match opp
vocalic "ar"
Tilfeldig hjul
Åpne boksen
/r/ words initial position Woozle Game
Åpne boksen
Find all the S, Z words in the Word Search
/s z/ Final sentences
Tilfeldige kort
3 Step Directions/Commands #2
Tilfeldige kort
R first sound Hangman
/r/ Initial word position
/s/ words all positions woozle game
Åpne boksen
Open/Closed Vowel Words Divided by Syllable
Tilfeldige kort
Short-A or Short-E?
Match opp
Medial /k/ words
Tilfeldige kort
/s z/ Medial Sentences
Tilfeldige kort