Spelling Dyslexia
Eksempler fra fellesskapet vårt
10 000+ resultater for spelling dyslexia
FLOSS Rule Part 1
Doubling Rule - with Suffixes: ing, ed, er, ness, less, s
Gruppe sortering
Spelling (k) through k, c //ck, k
Gruppe sortering
Spelling (k) (through k,c//ck, k) Part 1
Quiz for spillshow
Spelling (au) = au,a//aw
Adding Suffixes - All Rules - Part 1
Quiz for spillshow
Latin roots and affixes
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Unscramble sentences with blends
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A Ride story
Fullfør setningen
Unjumble words with suffixes
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RAZ - The Kind Knight (sequence story)
Match opp
long /i/ sentences unjumble
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long /i/ word family lists
Gruppe sortering
B5L3 doubling rule & -ed/-ing suffixes (4 stories)
Fullfør setningen
long /i/ missing word sentences
Fullfør setningen
Adding Suffixes - All Rules - Part 2
Quiz for spillshow
Barton 7.4 -ure/sure/ture
Quiz for spillshow
Boom - ck real and nonsense words
Tilfeldige kort
long /i/ compound words
Ballong pop
2 syllable sort - vc.cv, v.ccv, vcc.v
Gruppe sortering
closed or not?
Gruppe sortering
doubling rule T or F
Sann eller usann
tion BOOM! phrases
Tilfeldige kort
Missing word sentences - long /a/
Match opp
long /i/ sort based on spelling patterns
Gruppe sortering
BOOM /ch/ with Tch sentences
Tilfeldige kort
Which? -ck or -k??
BOOM! -ing, -ang, -ong, -ung sentences
Tilfeldige kort
Prefix or Suffix?
Gruppe sortering
long /a/ (ai, ay, ea, eigh, ey)
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Rabbit sentences unjumble
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make multisyllable words (long o)
Match opp
tiger - guess the words
Vr sentence unjumble
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Drop e rule T/F
Sann eller usann
Long vowels mazes
Wild Old Words BOOM! phrases
Tilfeldige kort
Instant Words 31-40
Samsvarende par
long /o/ word sort
Gruppe sortering
Consonant-le BOOM! phrases
Tilfeldige kort
ch or tch?
Sann eller usann
Tiger words memory match
Samsvarende par
Boom - tiger/camel words
Tilfeldige kort
long /a/ complete the sentences
Fullfør setningen
tiger vs. rabbit
Gruppe sortering
Boom - rabbit words
Tilfeldige kort
consonant suffixes balloon pop
Ballong pop
Bossy-R unjumble sentences
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count sylls (1,2,3) rab, mon rab, catfish
Sann eller usann
bossy-r alphabetical order
The Girl Who Twirled - Raz story sequencing
-aNK vs. -iCK: Which Rhymes? (Final diagraphs vs. blends)
Sann eller usann
Bossy-R word sort
Gruppe sortering
Blend or No Blend?
The Prank sequencing events
Match opp
Boom - tch/ch real and nonsense words
Tilfeldige kort