Correct: Nicotine acts as a stimulant., Tobacco products are considered carcinogens., Tobacco contains nicotine., Carcinogens are cancer causing substances., More then 7,000 chemicals are found in one puff of cigarette smoke., Some household products contain the same chemicals found in nicotine products., Cigarette smoke contains tar., Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas., Cigars contain more nicotine then cigarettes., Nicotine causes the body to crave the drug., Loss of taste is a short term effect of tobacco use., Respiratory illness is a long-term effect of tobacco use., Smoking can damage every part of your body., Second hand smoke is smoke that is smoked and breathed out by the first person., Second hand smoke effects both adults and children, Each e-cig cartridge is the equal to smoking 12-20 cigarettes., Juul is one of the most popular e-cigarettes on the market., Incorrect: Nicotine does not act as a stimulant., Tobacco products do not contain carcinogens., Tobacco does not contain nicotine., Carcinogens are not cancer causing substances., More then 7,000 chemicals are found in one puff of cigarette smoke., No nicotine products contain any chemicals found in household products., Cigarette smoke doesn't contain tar., Carbon monoxide is not a colorless, odorless gas., Cigars do not contain more nicotine then cigarettes., The body doesn't crave nicotine., Loss of taste is not a short term effect of tobacco use., There is no long term respiratory effect with tobacco use., Smoking doesn't effect any part of your body., Second hand smoke is not dangerous., Second hand smoke only effects adults., E-Cigs do not contain nicotine., Juul e-cigs do not contain harmful ingredients.,
Tobacco: Fact or Fiction
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