Adrenaline - A hormone that prepares your body to fight or flight, Fight or Flight - The body's response to a stressful situation is often referred to as, Stress - The bodies response to change because of something that happens., Immune System - Long-term or unresolved stress has a negative impact on the, Fatigue - Another term for tiredness, Stressor - Another term for the event leading to stress, What one person finds stressful another may not - Which of the following is a correct statement about stress, Exercise - One way to cope with stress, Distress - Stress that has a negative impact is called, Defense Mechanism - A mental strategy used to cope with stress, Repression - Blocking out stressful thoughts is an example of what defensive mechanism, Strengthens heart and lungs - A benefit of fitness, headache, sweating, upset stomach - Negative stress can affect the body in many ways. What are some ways? , Physical Fatigue - Tiredness of the body, Injury, bad grades, getting lost, not doing homework, and arguing with friends - Examples of negative stress, Read, breathing exercises, exercise, listen to music, and talk about it - Ways to cope with stress, Psychological Fatigue - Tiredness of the Mind,
Stress Management (6th Grade)
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