Set and Achieve Goals - How can you feel better about yourself and your life, Decision Making - Process of making a choice or finding a solution, Six Steps - How many steps in the decision making process?, Evaluate - To determine the value of something, Practice - How can decision making get easier?, Focus on the behavior you want to change - Setting goals helps you to?, Process of working toward something you want to accomplish - What is goal setting?, Goals you want to achieve in the next few days or weeks - Short Term Goals, Goals that take several weeks, months, or even years to achieve - Long Term Goals, Identify what you want out of life - Benefit of a goal, Interpersonal Communication - The exchange of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs between two or more people, A form of nonverbal communication - Body Language, Eye Contact - Direct visual contact with another person's eyes, Hearing, thinking about, and responding to the other person's message - Active Listening, Refusal Skills - Communication strategies that help you say no effectively, Stress - Your body's response to change, Eustress and Distress - What are the 2 types of stress?, Anything that causes stress - Stressor, Stress Management Skills - Ways to deal with and overcome problems, Using your time wisely - Time Management,
Decision Making, Goal Setting, Interpersonal Communication, and Stress Management
6th Grade
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