Taylor tries to see everything in black and white but he knows this is impossible. - judge everything as either good or bad, Peter blacked out during the parade and was taken to the hospital. - to lose consciousness, Scott is the black sheep in his family. He is the only one who doesn't have a successful career and life. - a person who is a disgrace or embarrassment to a family or group, I was driving home when out of the blue a deer jumped out in front of my car. - very suddenly and unexpectedly, Tom is feeling blue today. His wife wants to divorce him. - to look / feel depressed or discontented., My brother only calls home once in a blue moon. - to occur extremely rarely or only once in a life-time., Jack is very green and doesn’t have enough experience to drive this van. - inexperienced, immature, My boss gave us the green light to begin the new project. - give permission to go ahead with a project, Sarah has a green thumb and has one of the best gardens in our neighbourhood. - a talent for gardening, ability to make things grow, I have to ask mom for extra money. I hate being in the red. - to be in debt., The manager caught the new employee red-handed taking money out of the box. - committing a crime, usually a theft., John saw red when he saw his girlfriend laughing with another guy. - to react furiously against someone or something., You look like you saw a ghost. Your face is as white as a sheet. - in a state of great fear, The new stereo that he bought is a white elephant and he doesn’t need it at all. - a useless possession, with no importance., I told my boss a white lie and said that I was sick yesterday when actually I wasn’t. - an innocent lie (told to be polite or to do something not seriously wrong), This is a golden opportunity to make a business deal with that big company. - a great opportunity that might never come again, David Beckham was the golden boy of English soccer. - a young man idolized for a great skill, usually in sport., Valentino was one of the first stars of the silver screen. - the cinema,
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