braich - arm, breichiau - arms, ceg - mouth, cegau - mouths, coes - leg, coesau - legs, damwain - accident, damweiniau - accidents, lôn - lane, lonydd - lanes, llaw - hand, dwylo - hands, bys - finger, bysedd - fingers, ces - case, cesys - cases, golau - light, goleuadau - lights, lifft - lift, lifftiau - lifts, prawf - test, profion - tests, tedi - teddy bear, tedis - teddy bears, trwyn - nose, trwynau - noses, (y)sbwriel - rubbish, brwsio - to brush, brysio - to hurry, cyfieithu - to translate, esgusodi - to excuse, gwisgo - to dress, to wear, rhoi - to give; to put, taro - to hit, tynnu llun - to take a photo, chwith - left, de - right, gofalus - careful, gorau - best, gyferbyn - opposite,

Geirfa Uned 21 - Mynediad, Cymraeg i Oedolion (f.2, de)


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